Acta Sanctorum: St. Francis Xavier (Dec 3)
December 03, 2024
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.

December 3
St. Francis Xavier
Life. (1506-1552)

St. Paul the Apostle traveled the breadth of the Mediterranean world, to make known “the unfathomable riches of Christ.” The St. Paul of our modern world, who preached to three continents, was St. Francis Xavier. (Pronounced Zavier, by the way.)

A well-born native of Spain, Francis went to study in the great University of Paris. Whatever career he might have planned was all changed after he met there a Spanish fellow student named Ignatius of Loyola. The future St. Ignatius, fired with zeal to promote only the “greater glory of God,” persuaded Francis and a few others to vow themselves to this cause in 1534. They went to Italy in 1536; and in 1539 Pope Paul III accepted them as the pioneer members of a new religious order called the Company or Society of Jesus - we know them better as “the Jesuits”.

Ignatius, seeing in Francis a man whose administrative skill matched his zeal, picked him in 1540 to carry the gospel to India and the Far East. Xavier went to Portugal and on April 7, 1541, with the title of papal ambassador, he set out for Asia. The little Portuguese fleet had to sail all the way around Africa, so the trip to India took 13 months! Father Francis kept busy on shipboard as chaplain, teacher, arbitrator and sometimes nurse of the crews.

When he reached Goa, India, in May, 1542, Xavier found that the Portuguese who had settled there in 1510 had given anything but Christian example to the Indians. He had to rechristianize these Europeans - a long task.

But he also began to preach to the Indians themselves. He would go through the crowded streets ringing a handbell to summon the children and the mistreated slaves to religious instructions. Naturally of sweet character, he won a large following by his strict morality and his attention to the lepers and the other sick. One of his teaching methods was to set Christian doctrinal statements to popular tunes that the people loved to sing.

From the Indians around Goa, St. Francis turned to the Paravas along India’s southwest coast. Approaching these impoverished people as a devotee of religious poverty, he won thousands to Christianity, and his arm even grew weary baptizing their throngs of converts. On the other hand, when he preached to the proud upper-caste Brahmans, it took him a whole year to convert just one person! Despite his large success, Francis had much to suffer from both Portuguese and pagans.

But India was only his first step. In 1545 he went east to the Portuguese port of Malacca on the Malay Peninsula. Here he preached for three years before returning to India to see how his school and missions were faring.

While at Malacca, Francis had heard about Japan. That was his next goal. In 1549 he set out with two other priests and three Japanese converts. Reaching Japan, he labored in its southern part for over two years. When he left for Goa, the number of Japanese Christians had risen to 2,000.

In Japan Xavier had come to realize that Japanese culture owed very much to China. He therefore determined to go next to the Chinese mainland. By now the head of all the Jesuits in the far east, St. Francis set out eagerly on this new mission trip.

Political red tape complicated his journey, and Divine Providence itself prevented him from achieving his goal. In late August 1552 he reached the lonely Chinese island of Sancian, just off the coast near Canton. There he had to await transportation to the mainland, which was visible from where he had disembarked. But at Sancian he was stricken with a heavy fever. Now alone, with the exception of one Chinese, one Portuguese and two slaves, Francis died on December 3, 1552, aged only 46. Two months later his body was disinterred and found still incorrupt. It was taken back to Goa where it still remains enshrined.

Francis Xavier was declared a saint in 1622 along with St. Ignatius of Loyola. He deserved sainthood for his epic effort as a latter-day St. Paul to carry the good news “even to the ends of the earth”.

--Father Robert F. McNamara

Scripture. 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Brothers and sisters: If I preach the Gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it! If I do so willingly, I have a recompense, but if unwillingly, then I have been entrusted with a stewardship. What then is my recompense? That, when I preach, I offer the Gospel free of charge so as not to make full use of my right in the Gospel. Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all so as to win over as many as possible. To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. All this I do for the sake of the Gospel, so that I too may have a share in it.
(Year C). May the grace and charity of our Lord Jesus Christ be ever with us! Amen. By the favor of God we all arrived at Japan in perfect health on the 15th of August, 1549. We landed at Cagoxima, the native place of our companions. We were received in the most friendly way by all the people of the city, especially the relations of Paul, the Japanese convert, all of whom had the blessing to receive the light of truth from heaven, and by Paul’s persuasion became Christians...
The Japanese doctrines teach absolutely nothing concerning the creation of the world, of the sun, the moon, the stars, the heavens, the earth, sea, and the rest, and do not believe that they have any origin but themselves. The people were greatly astonished on hearing it said that there is one sole Author and common Father of souls, by whom they were created. This astonishment was caused by the fact that in their religious traditions there is nowhere any mention of a Creator of the universe. If there existed one single First Cause of all things, surely, they said, the Chinese, from whom they derive their religion, must have known it....In the end, by God’s favor, we succeeded in solving all their questions, so as to leave no doubt remaining in their minds.
The Japanese are led by reason in everything more than any other people, and in general they are all so insatiable of information and so importunate in their questions that there is no end either to their arguments with us, or to their talking over our answers among themselves. They did not know that the world is round, they knew nothing of the course of the sun and stars, so that when they asked us and we explained to them these and other like things, such as the causes of comets, of the lightning and of rain, they listened to us most eagerly, and appeared delighted to hear us, regarding us with profound respect as extremely learned persons. This idea of our great knowledge opened the way to us for sowing the seed of religion in their minds.  (Letter from Japan; 1552)
Musical Selection
O Deus, ego amo te, 
O God I love Thee for Thyself 
Nec amo te ut salves me, 
and not that I may heaven gain 
Nec quod qui te non diligent, 
nor yet that they who love Thee not 
Æterno igne pereunt. 
must suffer hell's eternal pain. 
Ex cruces lingo germinat, 
Out of the bud of the wood of the Cross 
Qui pectus amor occupant, 
wherefore hearts' love embraces 
Ex pansis unde brachiis, 
whence out of extended arms 
Ad te amandum arripes. Amen. 
you lovingly take us. Amen.
Almighty Father, 
who inspired the preaching of Francis Xavier 
so that he could bring many nations to you: 
fill us with zeal for the faith 
that we may continue to rejoice 
as our brothers and sisters of every race 
turn to Jesus as their Saviour, 
for he lives and reigns with you, 
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
God, now and for ever. Amen. (English Missal)

