Lent 2025
March 04, 2025
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.


In addition to the regular offerings for Sundays, feast days and Holy Week liturgies, the Acta Sanctorum, and the Precious Blood Gems, Sanguis Christi will be offering the following additional resources for the season of Lent. 
Lent with the Wisdom Literature — from Ash Wednesday to Holy Wednesday a daily passage from the Books of Sirach, Wisdom and Ecclesiastes with an accompanying commentary, musical selection and collect;
Lenten Devotions — beginning with the Friday after Ash Wednesday a weekly devotion including three services for the Jubilee Year, a service for Ember Friday, Stations of the Cross based on the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a Marian devotion;
Novena to St. Joseph — each day of the the annual novena from March 10-18 will feature Scripture passages, selections from the writings of various popes on St. Joseph's titles and a novena prayer;
Tenebrae — a service of psalms, readings and music for the mornings of the Easter Triduum
I hope these offerings will enrich your observance of this sacred time and form a "virtual mission house community" united in prayer for one another and the world.  

