Precious Blood Gems (November)
November 26, 2022
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.

November 1

We can enter heaven only thanks to the blood of the Lamb, thanks to the blood of Christ. Christ’s own blood has justified us, which has opened for us the gates of heaven. And if today we remember our brothers and sisters who have gone before us in life and are in Heaven, it is because they have been washed in the blood of Christ. This is our hope: the hope of Christ's blood! It is a hope that does not disappoint. If we walk with the Lord in life, he will never disappoint us! Pope Francis

November 2 

The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ is the price by  which we have been freed not only from the pains of hell, but from purgatory. St. Gaspar del Bufalo

November 3

If God ordered the people of the old Israel to keep all of his commandments, how much more does he now order Christians, who are his chosen people, a beloved people that has been redeemed by his precious blood, to keep his commandments. St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite

November 4

When you take care of your people, meditate on how the Lord’s blood has washed them clean so that all you do becomes a work of love.  St. Charles Borromeo (to priests)

November 5

The Crucifix is the great book that formed the Saints and it must be the same for us too. All the teachings contained in the Holy Gospel are summed up in the Crucifix. It speaks to us with unequalled eloquence; with the eloquence of blood....It is the most sublime book upon which we must constantly meditate. St. Guido Maria Conforti

November 6

Jesus Christ, the hope of everyone who sets his mind on you, who is as glorious as You or can be compared with You? You are the king who sits on the Cherubim, while the Seraphim stand before you. Heaven and earth await your mercy. You give life to human beings and cattle, wild beasts and birds, and feed them all. You are the one named Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us.” You are called Raboune, God and Master, of low birth but great in divinity. Your holy blood gathered them into one flock. St. Athanasius of Alexandria

November 7

Before the grace of redemption is applied to the world or, in other words, before the standard of the cross is lifted up among the nations, God the Father ordains that His only Son, made man, should plead with Him by means of ‘prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears’ (Heb 5:7), in the anguish of death and through the shedding of His blood, especially on the altar of the cross that was raised on Calvary.  Bl. Francis of Jesus, Mary, Joseph Palau y Quer

November 8

Would that I would be conformed to Christ’s death, that I would suffer in myself whatever is lacking in his passion for his body, which is the Church. Thus bathe me in the Blood of Christ until I be made strong with his strength. St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

November 9

To have a complete idea of the Church, we must regard her as the holy and invisible society of the souls that share by grace in Christ’s Divine Sonship, and form the Kingdom He won by His Blood. Bl. Columba Marmion

November 10

The Spirit of sanctification and the blood of redemption and the water of baptism. These three are one and remain indivisible. None of them is separable from its link with the others. The reason is that it is by this faith that the Catholic Church lives and grows, by believing that neither the humanity is without true divinity nor the divinity without true humanity.  Pope St. Leo the Great

November 11

Do not give blood to blood, but give to the pilgrim and the poor man, for whose burial the price of the Lord’s blood bought the field of Haceldama [cf. Mt 27.7-8], Holy Church, whose goods belong to the poor, not to the rich. St. Anthony of Padua

November 12

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." The only fitting return we can make Him is to pay for blood with blood; and as we are redeemed by the blood of Christ, to die willingly for our Redeemer. St. Jerome

November 13

Let us sacrifice ourselves, let us immolate ourselves for our dear brethren, who cost no less than the Blood of Jesus Christ, for these brethren, who through great ignorance, have lost the inheritance of the children of God and want to render themselves unhappy for all eternity. Let us do all in our power to snatch them away from the precipice. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

November 14

Through the power of the cross you can be present wherever there is pain, carried there by your compassionate charity, by that very charity which you draw from the divine heart. That charity enables you to spread everywhere the most precious blood in order to ease pain, save and redeem. St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)

November 15

O adorable Blood of Jesus, wash our stains, save us from the anger of the avenging angel. Irrigate the Church; make her fruitful with Apostles and miracle-workers, enrich her with souls that are holy, pure and radiant with divine beauty. St. Albert the Great

November 16

Walled round by your triumphant and affectionate death and signed with the precious blood with which you have redeemed me, with you as guide and provision for the way, let me cross over, unworried, through the narrow opening of death. St. Gertrude the Great 

November 17

As the Redeemer slept in the stupor of suffering and caused water and blood to issue from His side, He brought into existence the virgin and unspotted Church, redeemed by blood, purified by water, having no spot or wrinkle, that is, washed with water to avoid a spot, stretched on the cross to avoid a wrinkle. St. Gregory of Tours

November 18

He who by dying made sinners the inhabitants of Heaven.  Whatever they were born with, whatever later behaviour added,  He washes clean by this covenant, which gets rid of their old ways.  They who are new should do what His new law demands,  and know that they belong to Him by whose blood they were saved, and should now follow Him who buys them with His blood. St. Odo of Cluny

November 19

“Come and repent, come and be reconciled, come and be consoled, come and be blessed.  Come, my sister, to possess the eternal inheritance that I obtained for you by my blood.  Come, my spouse, to rejoice in my divinity.” St. Mechtilde of Helfta

November 20

Only in the Kingdom of Christ can we find that true human equality by which all people are ennobled and made great by the selfsame nobility and greatness, for each is ennobled by the precious blood of Christ. Pope Pius XI

November 21

Don’t fear the cross. God is our Father and he always matches it to our strength; from it oozes the divine Blood which regenerates us and is the fount of all the joys reserved for us above. Ah, do you see that it’s true that misfortunes and crosses bring us ever closer to God? Bl. Clelia Merloni

November 22

When we live in Christ, what more can we desire? We at once become spiritual in body and soul and in all our faculties because our soul is united to his soul, our body to his body, our blood to his blood. Nicholas Cabasilas

November 23

Let us fix our thoughts on the blood of Christ; and reflect how precious that blood is in God’s eyes; inasmuch as its outpouring for our salvation has opened the grace of repentance to all humankind. Pope St. Clement I 

November 24

If we look upon the dignity of the human person in the light of divinely revealed truth, we cannot help but esteem it far more highly; for men and women are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, they are by grace the children and friends of God and heirs of eternal glory. Pope St. John XXIII

November 25

Feed yourself on Jesus. Drink his Precious Blood. Quench your thirst from the chalice of Jesus. Yet, the more you drink, the more you will thirst. St. Paul of the Cross 

November 26

If ever our white garment has been soiled, then, let us wash it clean with the blood and tears of Jesus Christ and with great trust, let us make it beautiful again. Jesus came to save, to seek for sinners. Bl. Giacomo Alberione

November 27

You see a serene Man coming forth from a radiant dawn, Who pours out His brightness into the darkness; and it drives Him back with great force, so that He pours out the redness of blood and the whiteness of pallor into it, and strikes the darkness such a strong blow that the person who is lying in it is touched by Him, takes on a shining appearance and walks out of it upright. St. Hildegard of Bingen

November 28

As well as being my Father, God has overwhelmed me with favors, countless favors that repeatedly bear witness against me: the daily nourishment of my body, the prolonged gift of time, and above all the blood of his beloved Son that cries out to him from the earth. I blush for my ingratitude. St. Bernard of Clairvaux

November 29

How few there are who use for their salvation the gift of Jesus’ Blood! St. Ignatius Loyola

November 30

When Jesus gives us the Cross he loves us; all these crosses weigh terribly on my heart; but they also increase its strength and courage in fighting the Lord’s battles, because God’s works have always been born and grown like this; the Church was founded in the blood of the God-Man, and of the Apostles and Martyrs. St. Daniel Comboni

