Novena to St. Joseph (Mar 10-18; Days 7-9)
March 16, 2025
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.
Day 7. Model for Workers
Coming into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother called Mary, and his brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? Aren’t all of his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all of these things?” They were offended by him. (Mk 13:54-57)


How consoling it is to think that with St. Joseph's help every Christian family, experienced in work, can faithfully reflect the example and image of the Holy Family of Nazareth, in which constant industriousness—even amid the difficulties of life—was united with the most ardent love of God, and with generous adaptation to his lovable will! By proposing the example of St. Joseph to all poeple, who find their condition of life marked by the law of work, the Church intends to call them back to the consideration of their great dignity, and to invite them to make their activities a powerful means of personal improvement, and of eternal merit. For work is a noble mission. It is for man an intelligent and effective collaboration with God the Creator, from whom he has received the goods of the earth, to cultivate them and make them prosper. And whatever there is in it of toil and difficult achievement, is part of the redemptive plan of God. Having saved the world through the love and sorrows of his Only-Begotten Son, he makes human sufferings precious instruments of sanctification, when united with those of Christ. How much light is shed on these truths by the example of Nazareth, where work is joyfully accepted as the fulfillment of divine will! And what greatness the silent and hidden figure of St. Joseph acquires because of the spirit with which he fulfills the mission entrusted to him by God! For humanity's true dignity is not measured by the trappings of resounding achievements, but by inner dispositions of order and good will. This splendor that comes from the heavenly model reveals to us the attitude and disposition which we should imprint on work, which is the weight and honor of every person's life. But even the most generous efforts would come to but little without divine help. Therefore we invite you to raise fervent supplications to the Lord on this day, asking that his protection, through the intercession of St. Joseph, may accompany and gladden your efforts and fulfill your desires. (Pope St. John XXIII; May 1, 1960)


O glorious Patriarch, Saint Joseph, humble and just artisan of Nazareth, thou hast given to all  Christians and particularly to us an example of a perfect life through diligent labor and admirable union with Jesus and Mary. Assist us in our daily work in order that we, Catholic artisans, may also see in it an effective means of glorifying God, of sanctifying ourselves, and of being a useful member in the society in which we live. These should be the highest ideals for all our actions. O dearest Protector, obtain for us from the Lord humility and simplicity of heart, love for our work and kindness towards our fellow-laborers; conformity to God's will in the unavoidable trials of this life together with joy in bearing them; recognition of our specific social mission and a sense of responsibility; the spirit and discipline and prayer; docility and respectfulness towards superiors; the spirit of brotherhood towards our equals; charity and indulgence with our dependents. Accompany us in times of prosperity when the opportunity is given for an honest enjoyment of the fruits of our labors; sustain us in our hours of sadness, when Heaven seems to be shut in our regard, and even the very tools with which our hands toil appear to rebel against us. Grant that, in imitation of thee, we may keep our eyes fixed on our Mother, Mary, thy dearest Spouse, who as she spun silently in a corner of thy shop would let the sweetest smile course over her lips. Besides, may we never take our eyes off Jesus, Who was busily occupied with thee at the carpenters bench, in order that we in like manner may lead on earth a peaceful and a holy life, a prelude to the life of eternal happiness that awaits us in Heaven for ever and ever. Amen.(Pope Pius XII; March 11, 1958)

Day 8.  Protector of the Holy Church


Another angel came and stood over the altar, having a golden censer. Much incense was given to him, that he should add it to the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne. The smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel’s hand. (Rev 8:3-4)
The special motives for which St. Joseph has been proclaimed Patron of the Church, and from which the Church looks for singular benefit from his patronage and protection, are that Joseph was the spouse of Mary and that he was reputed the Father of Jesus Christ. From these sources have sprung his dignity, his holiness, his glory. In truth, the dignity of the Mother of God is so lofty that naught created can rank above it. But as Joseph has been united to the Blessed Virgin by the ties of marriage, it may not be doubted that he approached nearer than any to the eminent dignity by which the Mother of God surpasses so nobly all created natures. For marriage is the most intimate of all unions which from its essence imparts a community of gifts between those that by it are joined together. Thus in giving Joseph the Blessed Virgin as spouse, God appointed him to be not only her life's companion, the witness of her maidenhood, the protector of her honour, but also, by virtue of the conjugal tie, a participator in her sublime dignity. And Joseph shines among all mankind by the most august dignity, since by divine will, he was the guardian of the Son of God and reputed as His father among men. Hence it came about that the Word of God was humbly subject to Joseph, that He obeyed him, and that He rendered to him all those offices that children are bound to render to their parents. From this two-fold dignity flowed the obligation which nature lays upon the head of families, so that Joseph became the guardian, the administrator, and the legal defender of the divine house whose chief he was. And during the whole course of his life he fulfilled those charges and those duties. He set himself to protect with a mighty love and a daily solicitude his spouse and the Divine Infant; regularly by his work he earned what was necessary for the one and the other for nourishment and clothing; he guarded from death the Child threatened by a monarch's jealousy, and found for Him a refuge; in the miseries of the journey and in the bitternesses of exile he was ever the companion, the assistance, and the upholder of the Virgin and of Jesus. Now the divine house which Joseph ruled with the authority of a father, contained within its limits the scarce-born Church. From the same fact that the most holy Virgin is the mother of Jesus Christ is she the mother of all Christians whom she bore on Mount Calvary amid the supreme throes of the Redemption; Jesus Christ is, in a manner, the first-born of Christians, who by the adoption and Redemption are his brothers. And for such reasons the Blessed Patriarch looks upon the multitude of Christians who make up the Church as confided specially to his trust - this limitless family spread over the earth, over which, because he is the spouse of Mary and the Father of Jesus Christ he holds, as it were, a paternal authority. It is, then, natural and worthy that as the Blessed Joseph ministered to all the needs of the family at Nazareth and girt it about with his protection, he should now cover with the cloak of his heavenly patronage and defend the Church of Jesus Christ.


To thee, O blessed Joseph, we have recourse in our affliction, and having implored the help of thy thrice holy Spouse, we now, with hearts filled with confidence, earnestly beg thee also to take us under thy protection. By that charity wherewith thou wert united to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly love with which thou didst cherish the Child Jesus, we beseech thee and we humbly pray that thou wilt look down with gracious eye upon that inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and wilt succor us in our need by thy power and strength. Defend, O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen off-spring of Jesus Christ. Keep from us, O most loving Father, all blight of error and corruption. Aid us from on high, most valiant defender, in this conflict with the powers of darkness. And even as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the peril of His life, so now defend God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Shield us ever under thy patronage, that, following thine example and strengthened by thy help, we may live a holy life, die a happy death, and attain to everlasting bliss in Heaven. Amen.  (Pope Leo XIII; Quamquam pluries; August 15, 1889) 

Day 9. Patron of the dying


These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen[b] them and embraced them from afar, and having confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. If indeed they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had enough time to return. But now they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed of them, to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. (Heb 11:13-16)


We, therefore, full of trust in the patronage of him, to whose vigilant providence God was pleased to grant custody of his Incarnate Only Begotten and of the Virgin Mother of God, we strongly exhort all the Bishops in the Catholic world so that, in these stormy times for Christianity, they will lead the faithful to implore with greater commitment the valuable help of St. Joseph. And because there are many ways approved by this Apostolic See by which one can venerate the Holy Patriarch, especially on all the Wednesdays of the year and in the entire month consecrated to him, We desire that, by request of each Bishop, all these devotions be practiced in every diocese as much as possible. But in a particular way, because he is justly held as the most efficacious protector of the dying, having expired with the assistance of Jesus and Mary, holy Pastors should take care to inculcate and favor with all the prestige of their authority those pious associations instituted to supplicate Joseph in favor of the dying, such as those “of a Happy Death”, of the “Transit of St. Joseph”, and “for the Dying.” (Pope Benedict XV; Bonum sane; July 25, 1920)


Faithful Joseph, in fulfillment of the Lord’s promise, you peacefully leave this world in Jesus’ and Mary’s arms. Your faith transforms death into the sowing of life. Your heart overflows in the presence of the Lord: hands outstretched to God, your night is filled with prayer. Surrounded by the living, you embark upon the great march to the Promised Land. Open our eyes that we may glimpse the road to life that lies beyond death. May nothing, neither denial, anger, nor depression, separate us from the love of God. Strengthen our faith in God who always finds ways of keeping us in his friendship. Be beside us to hold our hand when we take our first hesitant steps towards the eternal kingdom.  Amen. (Oratory of St. Joseph; Montreal)



