Precious Blood Gems (February)
February 28, 2025
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.
February 1. What a little thing it is for us to offer our lives to Jesus, when Jesus died for us: the blood shed for Jesus is our glory and comfort. (St. Daniel Comboni)
February 2 (Presentation). I worship the image of Christ as the Incarnate God; that of the God-Bearer, the Mother of us all, as the Mother of God’s Son; that of the saints as the friends of God. They have withstood sin unto blood, and followed Christ in shedding their blood for Him, who shed His blood for them. (St. John Damascene)
February 3. Beware that with consent of reason you rejoice not at another’s sin, though of small moment, or of any adversity; but mourn for your brother before our Lord, calling to mind that we are members one of another, all one body, and redeemed all with the same blood. (Louis de Blois)
February 4. For the triumph of His mercy and to show His infinite love for us, our divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ shed all His precious Blood with great suffering and humiliation, as price of salvation and of glory. He gave it all, He gave it for all and He does not stop giving it.  (St. Maria de Mattias)
February 5. We pray that we may receive this reward for our preaching of the Gospel: that he may consecrate us and make us perfect by the shedding of our blood. (St. Gregory Nazianzen)
February 6.  [The Blood of Christ] is the "expression, measure and pledge" of divine charity.  (St. Alfonso Maria Fusco)
February 7. Like my Master, I shall die upon the cross. Like him, a lance will pierce my heart so that my blood and my love can flow out upon the land and sanctify it to his name. (St. Paul Miki)
February 8. The sacred work of our salvation was of such value in the sight of the Creator of the universe that he counted it worth the shedding of his own blood. (Pope St. Leo the Great)
February 9. O Jesus, continue to grant me Your divine life. Let Your pure and noble Blood throb with all its might in my heart. I give You my whole being. Transform me into Yourself and make me capable of doing Your holy will in all things and of returning Your love. (St. Faustina Kowalska)
February 10.  All that spilled blood, whether it was shed in strikes, fueled for years by sinister, unscrupulous communist agitators, whether it was shed in armed conflict at sea, land or air, whether it was shed individually or in masses, throughout the ends of the globe, would be useless, if the cornerstone of the world, Jesus Christ, would not be built again in the foundations of human society, and His Gospel would not be recognized as the only authoritative norm for the organization of human society, and His Most Holy Blood as the only ransom price before God. (Bl. Alojzije Stepinac)
February 11 The keystone of history lies here: with the Immaculate Conception of Mary began the great work of Redemption that was brought to fulfillment in the precious blood of Christ. (Pope St. John Paul II)
February 12 Eternal God omnipotent! The One Sole Hope of worlds, Author and Guard alone Of heaven and earth Thou art, whose high behest, Forbids the tempest’s billow-bearing breast, The land to whelm—which fires the orb of noon, And fills the crescent of the milder moon; Who’st meted forth alternate day and night, And numbered all the stars—their places bright, Their signs, times, courses only known to Thee— Who hast to many forms, most wondrously, The new earth shaped, and given to dead dust life: Who hast lost Man restored, for fruit of strife, Forbid, bestown on him a higher food, And healed the Serpent’s sting by sacred blood. (St. Sedulius)
February 13. People buy for an easy price a thing for which they care little. He bought us with his heart’s blood, a dearer price there never was, that he might draw out of us our love toward him which cost him so dear. (Ancren Rule)
February 14. The divine heart of Jesus, from which courses the life-giving stream of the precious blood throughout the body, and which harbors the plenitude of the Holy Spirit and of the divine life, is likewise the hearth and the fountain of life for His entire mystical body, so that all of us may be one heart and soul with Him. (Matthias Scheeben)
February 15. Not only did Jesus suffer what He should not have suffered, but He suffered more than He had to suffer. One tear could have washed away all our sins. One drop of blood could have merited every assistance for us. Why so much blood? Must we ask a lover for reasons? He can give no other reason than His love. When you love, you always think that whatever you give, it will never be enough. (St. Claude del Colombiere)
February 16. Let not then human weakness despair of itself; let it consider the Blood of the Only-begotten, and in its own price behold how great that is, which costs so much. (Pope St. Gregory the Great)
February 17.  We hope and we are certain in our hope, because God is omnipotent, because He wills all men to be saved, because Christ has redeemed us with His Precious Blood, and because He has died for us and for us has risen again; and finally, because His promises—the promises of a God—are infallible: “Heaven and earth shall pass, but My words shall not pass” (Matthew 24:35). (Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene)
February 18. The price paid for each Christian is the redeeming Blood of Our Lord and he, I insist, wants us to be both very human and very divine, struggling each day to imitate him who is perfectus Deus, perfectus homo. (St. Josemaria Escrivia)
February 19. As, then, when Egypt was smitten, the Jewish people could not escape except by the blood and the sign of the lamb; so also, when the world shall begin to be desolated and smitten, whoever is found in the blood and the sign of Christ alone shall escape. (St. Cyprian of Carthage)
February 20.  Christ freed us from the slavery of the devil, just as he had freed Israel from the hand of Pharaoh; and he has marked our souls with the signs of his own blood. (St. Melito of Sardis)
February 21. Receive the Body and Blood of Christ very frequently. The sight of a Christian’s lips red with the Blood of Christ terrifies the enemy. He immediately recognizes the sign of his own ruin. He cannot stand the instrument of divine victory by which he was taken captive and cast down. (St. Peter Damian)
February 22. Communion is the call of love that is extended to all people to form one single family, the family of God that is nourished by the body and the blood of the heavenly Lamb, the bread that came down to earth. (St. Oscar Romero)
February 23. Christ gave His blood in place of all people, that the blood of animals might not be required of us; He entered the sanctuary which was not made by hands, and He became the priest and minister of the holy place. (St. Aphraates of Persia)
February 24.  The Blood of Jesus is the supreme manifestation of the Father's love. (Bl. Tomasso Maria Fusco)
February 25.  God the Father did not require the Blood of His Son, but, nevertheless, He accepted it when offered; it was not blood He thirsted for, but salvation, for salvation was in the blood. (St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
February 26. My well-beloved, chosen from all, behold how that I am yours without reserve. I have lived for you , taught you, trained you, and died for your sake. I have offered you to My Father with My Death, and I have paid your debt with My own Sacred Blood. (Bl. John Ruysbroeck)
February 27.  May your suffering for our salvation not be in vain,  God, who became man for my sake.  May the sweat mixed with blood on the night of your  betrayal not be without purpose.  (St. Gregory of Narek)
February 28.  Through the sprinkling of the blood of Our Lord, made with the hyssop of the cross, we have been restored to a whiteness incomparably more excellent than that of the snow of innocence. (St. Francis de Sales)

