Listen to me your father, O children; act accordingly, that you may be kept in safety. For the Lord honours a father above his children, and he confirms a mother’s right over her children. Those who honour their father atone for sins, and those who respect their mother are like those who lay up treasure. Those who honour their father will have joy in their own children, and when they pray they will be heard. Those who respect their father will have long life, and those who honour their mother obey the Lord; they will serve their parents as their masters. Honour your father by word and deed, that his blessing may come upon you. For a father’s blessing strengthens the houses of the children, but a mother’s curse uproots their foundations. Do not glorify yourself by dishonouring your father, for your father’s dishonour is no glory to you. The glory of one’s father is one’s own glory, and it is a disgrace for children not to respect their mother.
My child, help your father in his old age, and do not grieve him as long as he lives; even if his mind fails, be patient with him; because you have all your faculties do not despise him. For kindness to a father will not be forgotten, and will be credited to you against your sins; in the day of your distress it will be remembered in your favour; like frost in fair weather, your sins will melt away. Whoever forsakes a father is like a blasphemer, and whoever angers a mother is cursed by the Lord.
My child, perform your tasks with humility; then you will be loved by those whom God accepts. The greater you are, the more you must humble yourself so you will find favour in the sight of the Lord. For great is the might of the Lord; but by the humble he is glorified. Neither seek what is too difficult for you, nor investigate what is beyond your power. Reflect upon what you have been commanded, for what is hidden is not your concern. Do not meddle in matters that are beyond you for more than you can understand has been shown to you. For their conceit has led many astray, and wrong opinion has impaired their judgement.
Without eyes there is no light; without knowledge there is no wisdom. A stubborn mind will fare badly at the end, and whoever loves danger will perish in it. A stubborn mind will be burdened by troubles, and the sinner adds sin to sins. When calamity befalls the proud, there is no healing, for an evil plant has taken root in him. The mind of the intelligent appreciates proverbs, and an attentive ear is the desire of the wise.
As water extinguishes a blazing fire, so almsgiving atones for sin. Those who repay favours give thought to the future; when they fall they will find support.
How precious is the wisdom by which we know God and despise the world! The one who has found it is indeed blessed, if he holds fast to it. What will he give to possess it? Give obedience as its price, and you will receive wisdom in return. Scripture tells us: Do you desire wisdom? Keep the commandments and God will give it to you. If you want to be wise, be obedient. Obedience has no will of its own: it is at the service of another's will, subject to another's command. Embrace it, then, with all the yearning of your heart, with all the effort of your body. Embrace, I repeat, the blessing of obedience, drawing near by obedience to the light of wisdom. Scripture says: Draw near to him and be enlightened. Draw near, that is, by means of obedience, for there is no approach more direct or secure, and be enlightened by wisdom.
The man who does not know God does not know where he is going, but walks in darkness and dashes his foot against a stone. Wisdom is light, the true light that shines on every person coming into this world, not the one who is wise with the wisdom of this world, but the one who is not of the world though in the world. This is the new self of one who has turned away from the sinful and slothful ways of his former self, and strives to walk in newness of life, knowing that damnation is not for those who walk in the way of the Spirit, but in the way of sinful nature.
As long as you follow your own will, you cannot escape turmoil within you, even though at times you seem to escape turmoil outside you. This turmoil of self-will cannot end until the desires of your sinful nature are changed, and God becomes for you a source of delight. Sinners enlightened by wisdom are said to be freed from turmoil because, once they taste the goodness of the Lord, they are freed from their sin: from that time they worship the Creator, not the creature, and when they leave self-will behind they are freed from their feverish turmoil.
While at last they get rid of the turmoil of desires and the discord of thoughts, they experience peace in their inmost heart, and God takes up his dwelling within them: his dwelling-place is in peace. Where God is, there is joy; where God is, there is calm; where God is, there is happiness.(St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
Musical Selection
The perfect wisdom of our God, revealed in all the universe: All things created by His hand, and held together at His command. He knows the mysteries of the seas, the secrets of the stars are His; He guides the planets on their way, and turns the earth thru another day.
The matchless wisdom of His ways that mark the path of righteousness; His word a lamp unto my feet, His Spirit teaching and guiding me. And oh, the mystery of the cross, that God should suffer for the lost, So that the fool might shame the wise and all the glory might go to Christ.
O grant me wisdom from above, to pray for peace and cling to love, And teach me humbly to receive the sun and rain of Your sov’reignty. Each strand of sorrow has a place within this tapestry of grace; So through the trials I choose to say, “Your perfect will in Your perfect way.”
Stay with us, kind and gracious Lord, on the penitential journey which we have begun, that the outward discipline we practice may be matched by sincerity of heart. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.