Precious Blood Gems (July)
July 24, 2022
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.

July 1

It is just, O faithful ones, that to compensate for the ingratitude of humankind, we consecrate the present month to Adoration of the Divine Blood and by it soften our hearts. St. Gaspar del Bufalo

July 2

The Blood of Jesus is set before our eyes, at this moment, as the Blood of the Testament; the pledge of the alliance proposed to us by God; the dower stipulated upon by Eternal Wisdom for this divine union to which he is inviting all people, and whereof the consummation in our soul is being urged forward with such vehemence by the Holy Spirit. Dom Prosper Guéranger

July 3

If Jesus shed His blood and died for us, how can we doubt His love? Antonio Cardinal Bacci

July 4

Let the blood and water which flowed from Your side be a fountain of living water and deliverance from captivity to sin. May they cleanse, refresh and anoint me as do Your living words, O Word. St. Andrew of Crete

July 5

In order that God may easily hear your prayer, offer to him the precious Blood of Christ and the merits of the saints, and the very love he has for humanity. St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria

July 6

We wish to stay like Mary at the foot of the cross because it is possible to collaborate in the work of Salvation only in the same way as Christ did by means of the cross. And being moved with compassion like good Samaritan , we stay close to our abandoned brothers and sisters and obtain for missionaries the means to help them spiritually and materially, involving every believer in this work of compassion convinced that the most divine of the divine things is to cooperate with God in the Salvation of souls redeemed by the most Precious Blood of Christ.  Bl. Maria Theresia Ledóchowska

July 7

In view of the magnitude and potency of the price, and because it pertains to the universal condition of the human race, the blood of Christ is the redemption of the whole world. St. Prosper of Aquitaine

July 8

“Come, eat my body, the bread that makes you grow according to virtue, and drink my blood, the wine that delights you according to knowledge and intoxicates you to become divine – the blood which I miraculously mingled with my divine nature for your salvation.” Procopius of Gaza

July 9

O my God! with your heart, with your love, I make this invitation. O souls redeemed with the blood of Jesus, I speak to you; O sinners, come all to the heart of Jesus, to the fountain, to the boundless sea of His love. Come, all of you, men and women, come all! leave sin; come to Jesus! St. Veronica Giuliani

July 10

Not for ourselves, Lord, for we do not deserve to be heard, but for the blood of your Son and for his merits. St. Teresa of Avila

July 11

The outpouring of Christ’s blood is the source of the Church’s life. Pope Benedict XVI

July 12

My Savior cries out to me, to his disciple: do not despair of your salvation; I will restore you and forgive your sins. I have found you and I will not leave you; for I have redeemed you with my very own blood. St. Ephrem the Syrian

July 13

Christ’s humanity, from whose wounds flows a liquid of wonderful sweetness, the precious blood which washes the patch of infidelity from the eye of the heart, and takes away the fever of temptation. St. Anthony of Padua

July 14

Jesus poured out his Blood as the price and the laver, so that we might be purified of all sin: not to lose hope, let us look to Him, drink at his font, to be shielded from the risk of corruption. Then we will feel the grace of transformation: we will always be poor sinners, but the Blood of Christ will free us from our sins and restore our dignity. Pope Francis

July 15

From the very beginning of your life, from your birth until your death so hard, yes, and after death, you poured out thy blood for me alone. Thus you have been at pains to demonstrate the ardour of your supreme charity in the frequent outpourings of your blood. O how manifold and beautiful has your rose become with its many petals! Who can count them all? Count the drops of blood, shed from the most loving Jesus’ side and from his body, and you will have the number of passion roses and their petals of charity, for each drop of blood is a petal. St. Bonaventure

July 16

The Blessed Virgin is a Mother who clothes us with grace and takes our supernatural life under her protection, in order to bring it to its full flowering in eternal life. She, the Immaculate, full of grace from the first moment of her conception, takes our souls stained by sin, and with a maternal gesture, cleanses them in the Blood of Christ and clothes them with grace, which, together with Him, she has merited for us. Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene

July 17

Go with God’s blessing, to enjoy and rejoice in the riches of your tender Father, which Christ gained for you in bitter warfare by the shedding of his blood, for he never fails to help those who place their hope and love in him. St. John of Avila

July 18

“O Lord, I confess I am the most wretched of sinners, most undeserving of your favor; but save me by your infinite goodness. My hope is placed in your divine mercy through your precious blood.” St. Camillus de Lellis

July 19

The firstborn of the Israelites were saved in the same way as are the bodies of the baptized, since grace was given to those marked by the blood. For the blood of the lamb was a symbol of the first human who was created and who of necessity still exists in us, transmitted through succeeding generations until the end of the world. St. Basil the Great

July 20

May the good news of your grace renewed by the blood drops from your side not be erased. May the fruit of your suffering, offered for my neediness, not be senseless. May the banished Deceiver not dare to possess me, whom you have made. St. Gregory of Narek

July 21

Christ will offer us to the Father to whom he has returned us by his own sanctification, and give us the eternity and immortality to which he returned us by his life-giving blood. He will bring us back to paradise again, and true to his promise he will open the kingdom of heaven to us! St. Cyprian of Carthage

July 22

Magdalen, first to drink the fountained Christ
, Whose crimson-signing stills our creature stir,
 is the Blood’s mystic. Was it not the weight
of the warm Blood that slowed and silenced her? Sr. Miriam of the Holy Spirit (Jessica Powers)

July 23

O Most sweet Lord Jesus, most flourishing, true, and faithful vine; remember the superabundant effusion of Thy precious blood which Thou didst pour forth so plenteously from all parts of Thy holy body, like a cluster of pressed grapes, when Thou Thyself alone didst tread the wine-press on the cross, and out of Thy pierced side didst give us water and wine to drink, not leaving so much as one drop, being then like a bundle of pure and precious myrrh. St. Bridget of Sweden

July 24

Christ alone could make his sacrifice effective. Just as Jonah, by being cast into the sea, was able to allay its fury, so did our Lord Jesus Christ, by coming into the world, win it for himself, and through his blood he established it everywhere – in heaven and on earth. St. Ambrose of Milan

July 25

If we let Christ reign in our soul, we will not become authoritarian. Rather we will serve everyone. How I like that word: service! To serve my king and, through him, all those who have been redeemed by his blood. St. Josemaria Escriva

July 26

in the sacrifice which Jesus Christ makes of himself on the Cross for his bride, there is entirely revealed that plan which God has imprinted on the humanity of man and woman since their creation; the marriage of baptized persons thus becomes a real symbol of that new and eternal covenant sanctioned in the blood of Christ. Pope St. John Paul II

July 27

There is no heart so hardened that it can see human blood spilled and not be moved. But the blood of Jesus gives our hearts the grace of compunction, which is the emotion of penitence. Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet

July 28

The world is in flames. Are you impelled to put them out? Look at the cross. From the open heart gushes the blood of the Savior. This extinguishes the flames of hell. Its precious blood is poured everywhere—soothing, healing, saving. St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross/Edith Stein

July 29

I know that you pray for me every day at Holy Mass. Do put me into the chalice, so that my soul may be bathed in the Blood of Christ, for whom I thirst and wish to be all pure, transparent, in order that the Trinity may be reflected in me as in a crystal. St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

July 30

Christ gives the beginnings of the signs from heaven, when he changes water into wine. But water was to be changed into the mystery of the blood, so that Christ, from the goblet of his Body, might give pure draughts to those who drink, to fulfil that saying of the prophet: My chalice which inebriates me, how good it is. St. Peter Chrysologus

July 31

No one should call himself a friend of Christ unless he cherishes those souls that Christ redeemed by the shedding of his Blood. St. Ignatius Loyola
