Precious Blood Gems (March)
March 31, 2025
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.
March 1  What sacrifice could we bring to reconcile ourselves with Thee? We have nothing to give to Thee. Thus we ask Thee to reconcile us by Thy blood, O All-merciful One. (St. Ephrem the Syrian)
March 2. Whose blood has now the power to redeem him, when Christ shed his own blood for the redemption of all? Is there anyone’s blood comparable to the blood of Christ? (St. Ambrose of Milan)
March 3. May our desire be to bring Him hearts, for all are His by right, having been purchased by every drop of His blood. (St. Katharine Drexel) 
March 4. It is through  the blood of Christ that this whole Church is saved, in Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom belong glory and power for ever and ever. Amen. (Origen of Alexandria)
March 5 (Ash Wednesday). Let us fix our thoughts on the blood of Christ; and reflect how precious that blood is in God’s eyes; inasmuch as its outpouring for our salvation has opened the grace of repentance to all mankind. (St. Clement of Rome)
March 6. The contemplation of creatures is the blood of Christ and whoever drinks it will be enlightened by Him. (Evagrius Ponticus) 
March 7. At the feet of the Crucified One we cannot be inactive. Jesus Christ does not only want us to meditate on His Passion, to have compassion before His image, but to help Him save souls. Jesus wants us to use His redeeming blood to cleanse our sins and the sins of those around us, the sins of our enemies and those of the whole world. We must allow ourselves to be soaked by this Divinity. We must let ourselves be soaked by this Blood, and offer it to God for our salvation and that of the whole world. (Bl. Elizabeth Rosa Czacka)
March 8. You sowed a wayward being in your courtyard, irrigated me with the water of life, cleansed me with the dew of the baptismal fount, nourished me with heavenly bread, quenched my thirst with your blood. (St. Gregory Narek)
March 9.  The sting of conscience is also sharpened when one considers the blood that was once shed on the cross to quicken, then cleanse, then finally soften man’s heart; or again, to remove man’s uncleanliness, change his death into life, and bestow fruitfulness upon his barren soul. Who would be so lost to reason as to let the sins of negligence, concupiscence, or malice reign in him while he sees himself bathed in this immeasurably precious blood? (St. Bonaventure)
March 10. Love Me as I  loved you when I was on earth. What labours, what  fatigues, what sufferings you have cost Me ! I gave  My Life and My Blood to save you ; and, not satisfied  with having died once for you, I am ever with you here  in the Sacrament of My Love. I abide here continually  with My Body, My Soul, and My Divinity, out of love  for you ; do you, then, abide here in thought out of  love for Me. (Marie Lataste)
March 11. I am convinced that devout souls who honor the precious blood of our Lord halt human bloodshed and appease God’s wrath, which is so inflamed by so many crimes which fill the world. (St. Peter Julian Eymard)
March 12. I hear only an infinite, divine symphony of spirits, fluttering all around the cross. And for us, drop by drop over the centuries, the cross pours out the divine blood that was shed for every human soul. (St. Luigi Orione)
March 13. The Son of God, impassible by reason of His Godhead, chose to suffer voluntarily He wiped out our debt, also paying for us a most full and noble ransom. We are truly free through the sacred blood of the Son pleading for us with the Father. (St. John Damascene)
March 14. Christ nourishes us with his blood, like milk. He was wounded on mount Calvary for us, in (or under) his breast, so that he might give us his blood to drink as a mother gives milk to her child. And in his arms, stretched out on the Cross, he carried us. (St. Anthony of Padua)
March 15. We beseech Thee, O God of justice, to hold back the decree of our rejection, and to turn away Thine eyes from our vices and regard instead the adorable Blood shed upon the Cross, which purchased our salvation and daily intercedes for us upon our altars.  (St. Clement Hofbauer)
March 16. He who is glorious in heaven has redeemed us with his precious blood, taking our poverty upon himself to enrich us with his own wealth. (Dhouda)
March 17. Put forth to us the power of your love, leap over the mountains of our transgressions, and wash us in the true blood of reconciliation, like the snow of the mountain, like the lily of the lake. (From an ancient Celtic prayer)
March 18. Christ once in Cana of Galilee, turned the water into wine, akin to blood, and is it incredible that He should have turned wine into blood? (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
March 19. There were seven days during which our Blessed Lord was nameless. How did Joseph name him? If indeed, in the fulness of his joy, that peaceful saint needed to speak at all. Now with the Blood comes the sweet Name of Jesus, as if he had no right to it, until he shed his Blood.  (Frederick William Faber)
March 20.  The blood of Christ is the pledge of the faithful love of God for humanity. Looking upon the wounds of the Crucified, every man, even in conditions of extreme moral misery, can say: God has not abandoned me, he loves me, he gave his life for me — and in this way rediscover hope. (Pope Benedict XVI)
March 21. If Jesus shed His blood and died for us, how can we doubt His love? (Antonio Cardinal Bacci)
March 22
Am I a stone and not a sheep,
That I can stand, O Christ, beneath Thy cross,
To number drop by drop Thy blood’s slow loss,
And yet not weep? Christina Rossetti
March 23. As to nobility of blood, true nobility is to be derived only from the Blood of the Son of God. (Ven. Matthew Talbot)
March 24. With Christian faith we know that at this moment the wheaten host is changed into the body of the Lord who offered himself for the world's redemption and in that chalice the wine is transformed into the blood that was the price of salvation. May this body immolated and this blood sacrificed for humans nourish us also, so that we may give our body and our blood to suffering and to pain—like Christ, not for self, but to impart notions of justice and peace to our people. (St. Oscar Romero)
March 25 (Annunciation). When in Holy Communion we receive the blood of God made man, that blood brings us into closer relationship, so to speak, with the Blessed Virgin who was the fount and source from which it was drawn. At that solemn moment Mary recognizes in us something which belongs to her. We become her sons then in the most perfect and highest sense of the word, for it is her own blood which flows in our veins. (Bl. Idelfonso Schuster)

March 26. In those ancient victims the body and blood of Christ were prefigured: the body which the sinless one would offer as propitiation for our sins, and the blood which he would pour out for our forgiveness. (St. Fulgentius of Ruspe)

March 27. Through the power of the cross, you can be present wherever there is pain, carried there by your compassionate charity, by that very charity which you draw from the divine heart. That charity enables you to spread everywhere the most precious blood in order to ease pain, save and redeem. (St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross/Edith Stein)

March 28. Oh, how great your dignity, O human soul, that you have such a Spouse whose beauty the sun and moon admire. Arise and know how great you are in the eyes of God. Christ, your Spouse, did not spare His blood for you; He bountifully made you rich; He shared with you His Kingdom and raised you to His throne. See how much you should love Him; what ardent thanks you should offer Him; and how faithful you should be to Him in everything.”  (St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar)

March 29. For the beauty of the Church of God, Jesus gave His blood; and the Spirit continues to immolate His victims after filling them with the marvelous gifts of His grace. (Blessed Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus)
March 30. If we were to die ten thousand times for Christ, we would still not have repaid what we owe, for in value rather than physical substance there is no comparison between the blood of God and that of His servants. (St. John Climacus)
March 31. The Blood of Christ is His sacrifice applied to us, it enters the souls of the redeemed, it is the inextinguishable source of all heroism! (Pope St. John XXIII)

