Season of Creation (Day 27)
September 27, 2024
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.


Day 27

Psalm 139(138):7-10

O where can I go from your spirit,
or where can I flee from your face?
 If I climb the heavens, you are there.
If I lie in the grave, you are there.
 If I take the wings of the dawn
and dwell at the sea’s furthest end,
 even there your hand would lead me,
your right hand would hold me fast.

Song (Thomas Merton)

The bottom of the sea has come   
And builded in my noiseless room   
The fishes’ and the mermaids’ home,
Whose it is most, most hell to be   
Out of the heavy-hanging sea
And in the thin, thin changeable air
Or unroom sleep some other where;   
But play their coral violins   
Where waters most lock music in:
The bottom of my room, the sea.
Full of voiceless curtaindeep
There mermaid somnambules come sleep   
Where fluted half-lights show the way,
And there, there lost orchestras play   
And down the many quarterlights come   
To the dim mirth of my aquadrome:   
The bottom of my sea, the room.
Musical Selection (Celtic Woman)
I hear your voice on the wind 
And I hear you call out my name 
"Listen, my child," you say to me 
"I am the voice of your history 
Be not afraid, come follow me 
Answer my call, and I'll set you free"
I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain 
I am the voice that always is calling you 
I am the voice, I will remain 
I am the voice in the fields when the summer's gone 
The dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blow 
Ne'er do I sleep throughout all the cold winter long 
I am the force that in springtime will grow 
I am the voice of the past that will always be 
Filled with my sorrow and blood in my fields 
I am the voice of the future, bring me your peace 
Bring me your peace, and my wounds, they will heal 
I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain 
I am the voice of your hunger and pain 
I am the voice that always is calling you 
I am the voice 
I am the voice of the past that will always be 
I am the voice of your hunger and pain 
I am the voice of the future 
I am the voice, I am the voice 
I am the voice, I am the voice
If there is sincere interest in making COP28 a historic event that honours and ennobles us as human beings, then one can only hope for binding forms of energy transition that meet three conditions: that they be efficient, obligatory and readily monitored. This, in order to achieve the beginning of a new process marked by three requirements: that it be drastic, intense and count on the commitment of all. That is not what has happened so far, and only a process of this sort can enable international politics to recover its credibility, since only in this concrete manner will it be possible to reduce significantly carbon dioxide levels and to prevent even greater evils over time.
May those taking part in the Conference be strategists capable of considering the common good and the future of their children, more than the short-term interests of certain countries or businesses. In this way, may they demonstrate the nobility of politics and not its shame. To the powerful, I can only repeat this question: “What would induce anyone, at this stage, to hold on to power, only to be remembered for their inability to take action when it was urgent and necessary to do so?”
May the love of God be as deep as the ocean floor, as sweeping as the currents, and as soothing as the waves crashing on the shore. Creator of mysteries, help each of us be stewards of the ocean. Stir our spirits with wonder and amazement knowing that Your love for us extends even beyond the horizon of the open sea. We rejoice in the living waters of the ocean and tread lightly on Your shores, hoping to leave this miraculous creation a mystery to behold for all future generations. Amen. — Mercy International Association

