Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 9)
March 13, 2025
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.
Sirach Ch 11 (First Thursday of Lent)

The wisdom of the humble lifts their heads high, and seats them among the great. 
Do not praise individuals for their good looks, or loathe anyone because of appearance alone. 
The bee is small among flying creatures, but what it produces is the best of sweet things. 
Do not boast about wearing fine clothes, and do not exalt yourself when you are honoured;
for the works of the Lord are wonderful, and his works are concealed from humankind. 
Many kings have had to sit on the ground, but one who was never thought of has worn a crown. 
Many rulers have been utterly disgraced, and the honoured have been handed over to others. 

Do not find fault before you investigate; examine first, and then criticize. 
Do not answer before you listen, and do not interrupt when another is speaking. 
Do not argue about a matter that does not concern you, and do not sit with sinners when they judge a case. 

My child, do not busy yourself with many matters; if you multiply activities, you will not be held blameless.
If you pursue, you will not overtake, and by fleeing you will not escape. 
There are those who work and struggle and hurry, but are so much the more in want. 
There are others who are slow and need help, who lack strength and abound in poverty;
but the eyes of the Lord look kindly upon them; he lifts them out of their lowly condition 
and raises up their heads to the amazement of many. 

Good things and bad, life and death, poverty and wealth, come from the Lord. 
The Lord’s gift remains with the devout, and his favour brings lasting success. 
One becomes rich through diligence and self-denial, and the reward allotted to him is this: 
when he says, ‘I have found rest, and now I shall feast on my goods!’
he does not know how long it will be until he leaves them to others and dies. 

Stand by your agreement and attend to it, and grow old in your work. 
Do not wonder at the works of a sinner, but trust in the Lord and keep at your job;
for it is easy in the sight of the Lord to make the poor rich suddenly, in an instant. 
The blessing of the Lord is the reward of the pious, and quickly God causes his blessing to flourish. 
Do not say, ‘What do I need, and what further benefit can be mine?’ 
Do not say, ‘I have enough, and what harm can come to me now?’ 
In the day of prosperity, adversity is forgotten, and in the day of adversity, prosperity is not remembered. 
For it is easy for the Lord on the day of death to reward individuals according to their conduct. 
An hour’s misery makes one forget past delights, and at the close of one’s life one’s deeds are revealed. 
Call no one happy before his death; by how he ends, a person becomes known. 

Do not invite everyone into your home, for many are the tricks of the crafty. 
Like a decoy partridge in a cage, so is the mind of the proud, and like spies they observe your weakness; 
for they lie in wait, turning good into evil, and to worthy actions they attach blame. 
From a spark many coals are kindled, and a sinner lies in wait to shed blood. 
Beware of scoundrels, for they devise evil, and they may ruin your reputation for ever. 
Receive strangers into your home and they will stir up trouble for you, and will make you a stranger to your own family.


Germanus asked Abba Theodore, “Is our mind able to hold on to one state constantly and to remain always in the same condition?” He replied, “As the Apostle says, it is necessary for one who is renewed in the spirit of his mind to make progress every day, always reaching out to what is ahead. The alternative is that the neglectful person reverses himself and falls back into a worse state. We confess that God alone is unchanging. Him alone does the prayer of the holy Prophet address in this way: You yourself are the same. And he says of himself: I am God, and I do not change. For only he to whom nothing can ever be added and from whom nothing can ever be taken away is by nature always good, always complete, and always perfect. Therefore we must always push ourselves with unceasing care and concern to attain the virtues, lest our progress suddenly cease and regression occur. For, as we have said, the mind cannot remain in one and the same condition – that is, so that it does not either increase or decrease in virtue. Not to have gained is to have lost, because when the desire of making progress ceases, the danger of falling back will appear. “Therefore one must abide constantly in one’s cell. For as often as a person has wandered out of it and has returned to it like a novice who is only starting to live there, he will waver and be disturbed. The person who stays in his cell has acquired an intensity of mind that, once let go slack, he will not be able to recover again without effort and pain.
“But that even the heavenly powers, as we have said, are subject to change is proclaimed by those of their number who fell because of the sinfulness of their corrupt will. Therefore we should not think of those who have persevered in the blessedness in which they were created as possessing an unchanging nature because they did not likewise behave wickedly. For it is one thing to possess an unchanging nature and another not to be changed because of zeal for virtue and perseverance in the good, which is due to the grace of an immutable God. Whatever is acquired and maintained through diligence can also be lost through negligence. Consequently it is said: You should not call a person blessed before his death, because whoever is still involved in this struggle, even though he usually overcomes and obtains the palm of victory, still cannot be free of fear and of concern about an uncertain result.
 “God alone, then, is said to be unchangeable and good – he who possesses goodness not because of laborious effort but by nature, and who cannot be anything other than good. Therefore no virtue can be possessed unwaveringly by a man, but for it to be firmly maintained once it has been acquired it must always be preserved with the same concern and effort with which it was obtained.” (St. John Cassian)
Musical Selection
in your boundless mercy
grant us always the desire to know what is right
and the readiness to do it,
so that we who cannot exist without you
may direct our lives according to your will.
We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever. Amen.

