Feast of the Precious Blood (July 1; Vespers)
July 01, 2024
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.

 Solemnity of the Precious Blood

Evening Prayer


 + God, come to my assistance.   -- Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit -- as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.  Amen.



With glad and joyous strains now let each street resound, And let the laurel wreath each Christian brow entwine; With torches waving bright, let old and young go forth, And swell the train in solemn line.
Whilst we with bitter tears, with sighs and grief profound, Wail o'er the saving blood, poured forth upon the tree, Oh, deeply let us muse, and count the heavy price, Which Christ hath paid to make us free.
The primal man of old, who fell by serpent's guile, Brought death and many woes upon his fallen race; But our new Adam, Christ, new life unto us gave, And brought to all ne'er-ending grace.
To heaven's highest height, the wailing cry went up of him, who hung in pain, God's own eternal Son; His saving, priceless blood, his Father's wrath appeased, And for his sons full pardon won.
Whoe'er in that pure blood his guilty soul shall wash, Shall from his stains be freed—be made as roses bright— Shall vie with angels pure, shall please his King and Lord, And precious shine in his glad sight.
Oh, from the path of right ne'er let thy steps depart, But haste thee to the goal in virtue's peaceful ways; thy God who reigns on high will e'er direct thy steps, And crown thy deeds with blissful days.
Father of all things made, to us propitious be, For whom thy own dear Son, his saving blood did spill; O Holy Spirit, grant the souls by thee refreshed Eternal bliss may ever fill. Amen.


Salve lux mundi, rex regum et
glória. Salve spes nostra, salve salvans
ómnia protége, munda, bénedic,
salvífica plebem quam tuo redemísti

Salva Redémptor, plasma
tuum nóbile, signátum sancto vultus
tui lúmine, ne lacerári sinas fraude
daemónum, propter quod mortis
exsolvísti prétium.

Dole captívos
esse tuos sérvulos, absólve reos,
compéditos érige, et quos cruóre
redemísti próprio, Rex Bone, tecum
fac gaudére pérpetim.

Sit tibi Jesu,
benedícte Dómine, glória, virtus,
honor et impérium. Una cum Patre
Sanctóque Paráclito, cum quibus
regnas, Deus ante sáecula. Amen.

Hail, Light of the World, King of
Kings and Glory. Hail, our hope, hail,
you who preserve all things. Protect,
cleanse, bless and save your people,
whom you have redeemed with your

Preserve, Redeemer your
noble creature, marked with the sacred
light of your countenance. Let him not
be torn by harmful friends, the one for
whom you paid the price of death.

Grieve that your humble servants are
captives, absolve the guilty, raise up the
shackled, and, those whom you have
redeemed with your own blood, good
King, make them rejoice with you

May glory, power, honor
and dominion be to you, Jesus, blessed
Lord, together with the Father and the
Holy Paraclete, with whom you have
reigned as God from of old.


Ant. 1 Ecce ádvenit Dominátor Deus, et regnum in manu eius, et potéstas et impérium in aetérnum, quique nos ab hostis império suo sánguine liberávit.

Behold, there comes the almighty God, the kingdom in His hand, His might and sovereignty everlasting, and with His blood he has freed us from the sovereignty of the enemy.

PSALM 110: 1–5, 7

The LORD says to you, my lord: *
“Take your throne at my right hand,
while I make your enemies your footstool.”
The scepter of your sovereign might
the LORD will extend from Zion. *

The LORD says: “Rule over your enemies!
Yours is princely power from the day of your birth.*
In holy splendor before the daystar,
like the dew I begot you.”
The LORD has sworn and will not waver:*
“Like Melchizedek you are a priest forever.”

At your right hand is the LORD, *
who crushes kings on the day of wrath,
Who drinks from the brook by the wayside *
and thus holds high the head.

Ant. 2 Salus aetérna nobis appáruit qui hóminem pérditum fuso sanguine ad caeléstia revocávit, et nos ab óvili aberrántes pius pastor húmero reportávit.

He has shown Himself to us as an eternal salvation, who has recalled lost humanity to heaven by shedding His blood, the tender shepherd who has carried us back on His shoulder when we strayed from the fold.

PSALM 116: 1–13

I love the LORD, who listened *
to my voice in supplication,
Who turned an ear to me *
on the day I called.

I was caught by the cords of death; *
the snares of Sheol had seized me;
I felt agony and dread. †
Then I called on the name of the LORD,*
“O LORD, save my life!”
Gracious is the LORD and just;*
yes, our God is merciful.

The LORD protects the simple; *
I was helpless, but God saved me.
Return, my soul, to your rest; *
the LORD has been good to you.

For my soul has been freed from death, †
my eyes from tears, *
my feet from stumbling.
I shall walk before the LORD*
in the land of the living.

I kept faith, even when I said, *
“I am greatly afflicted!”
I said in my alarm, *
“No one can be trusted!”

How can I repay the LORD*
for all the good done for me?
I will raise the cup of salvation *
and call on the name of the LORD.

Ant. 3.  Christus Deus noster, in quo divinitátis est plenitúdo, carnis nostrae infírma suscípiens, pro nobis factus homo próprio sánguine hóminem a morte liberávit.

Christ our God, in whom dwells the fullness of divinity, accepting the weakness of our flesh became human on our behalf and freed humanity from death with His own blood.

CANTICLE Ephesians 1: 3–10

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, †
who has blessed us in Christ *
with every spiritual blessing in the heavens.

God chose us in him, †
before the foundation of the world, *
to be holy and without blemish before him.
In love he destined us †
for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, *
in accord with the favor of his will,
for the praise of the glory of his grace *
that he granted us in the beloved.

In Christ we have redemption by his blood, *
the forgiveness of transgressions,
in accord with the riches of his grace *
that he lavished upon us.

In all wisdom and insight †
God has made known to us the mystery of his will *
in accord with his favor that he set forth in him,
as a plan for the fullness of times, *
to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth.

READING 1 Peter 1: 18–21

[You realize] that you were ransomed from your futile conduct, handed on by your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold but with the precious blood of Christ as of a spotless unblemished lamb. He was known before the foundation of the world but revealed in the final time for you, who through him believe in God who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.


Jesu bone, qui nos per próprium
sánguinem a morte solvísti. *Qui
mortem pro nobis sústinens, in morte
clarificátus ad patrem regréssus es.
V. Esto nobis, Dómine, turris
fortitúdinis a fácie inimíci.
*Qui mortem pro nobis.
V. Glória Patri et Fílio et Spíritui
*Qui mortem pro nobis.

Good Jesus, who has released us from
death through His own blood *Under-
going death for us, being glorified in
death has returned to the Father.
V. Be to us, Lord, a tower of strength
in the face of the enemy.
*You, undergoing death for us.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the
Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
* You, Undergoing death for us.

Gospel Canticle Luke 1: 46–55

Ant. Rex saeculórum, qui ut servum redímeres, nostrae substántia carnis índui dignátus es, Exáudi sérvulos in tui sánguinis susceptióne te laudántes et tuo redémptos sánguine fácias tecum vívere, Christe, caput nostrum, Iesu, finis liberatiónis nostrae.

Eternal King, who to redeem your servant thought fit to be garbed in the substance of our flesh, give ear to your humble servants praising you in the reception of your blood; and cause those redeemed by your blood to live with you, Christ Jesus our head, the goal of freedom.

+ My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; *
my spirit rejoices in God my savior.
For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; *
behold, from now on all ages will call me blessed.

The Mighty One has done great things for me, *
and holy is his name.
His mercy is from age to age *
to those who fear him.

He has shown might with his arm, *
dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart.
He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones*
but lifted up the lowly.

The hungry he has filled with good things; *
the rich he has sent away empty.
He has helped Israel his servant, *
remembering his mercy,
according to his promise to our fathers, *
to Abraham and to his descendants forever.


With faith and gratitude, let us beseech Christ who has reconciled humanity with God in his blood: By your blood poured out for us, hear us, Lord Jesus!

Lord Jesus, you gave your life in a sacrifice of expiation at the close of day;we pray for the Church: make her an effective instrument of unity, communion and peace for the whole human race.

Lord Jesus, your blood poured out for us is an expression of your immense love;we pray for all peoples: guide and hear their desires for freedom, justice and truth.

Lord Jesus, with your precious blood you justified us before the Father; we pray for the poor, the suffering, and the marginalized: in their need, let them experience solidarity, help and support from all of us.

Lord Jesus, by the power of your blood you free us from the Evil One;we pray for all those who proclaim the Gospel: give them honesty in communication, integrity of life, and joy in sharing your victory over the powers of evil.

Lord Jesus, with your blood you purify and nourish your Church;we pray for this community: may the Eucharist, summit and source of life, be its daily food for mission.

Lord Jesus, crucified and risen for us, you granted pardon to the repentant thief;we pray for our dear deceased relatives and friends: grant them a share in the eternal nuptial banquet in the glory of the blessed.

Our Father...


Father, who through the blood of Jesus your Son, the Lamb sacrificed
on the cross, redeemed us, sanctified us, and made us your people;
grant that all may accept this gift of your love, celebrate it joyfully in
the Spirit, and drink of it in the Eucharistic chalice, the sign of your
covenant and blessing. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever
. Amen.

+ May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.

Let us bless the Lord.  Thanks be to God.


