September 1
If you love Christ, it is fitting that anyone for whom he shed his blood should be important to you. St. John of Ávila
September 2
Like the publican I sigh, like the harlot I shed tears, like the thief I call out, like the prodigal son I entreat you. O Christ my Savior and Lover of humanity, strengthen my soul which has grown faint, which has been paralyzed with the intoxication of delights; heal its scabs and wash it, blackened with sin, with your honorable blood! St. Ephrem the Syrian
September 3
All sinners, as they drink the blood that is the price of their redemption, offer praise and thanksgiving, and to the best of their power makes that blood known to all around them. Earth has not hidden away his blood, for holy Church has preached in every corner of the world the mystery of its redemption. Pope St. Gregory the Great
September 4
The veil of mystery has been torn asunder. He is there, my God, infinite Unity, adorable Trinity, under the appearance of a small piece of bread. Jesus is there, in His sacred Humanity, His Heart, His precious Blood, His Soul, His eternal Divinity; He is there, whole and entire, in each Host consecrated throughout the world and in each fragment of consecrated Host. Bl. Dina Belanger
September 5
Put your sins in the chalice for the precious blood to wash away. One drop is capable of washing away the sins of the world. St. Theresa of Calcutta
September 6
The Church’s Liturgy may…be considered as a sacred poem, in the framing of which both heaven and earth have taken part, and by which our humanity, redeemed in the blood of the Lamb without spot, rises on the wings of the Spirit even unto the throne of God himself. Bl. Ildefonso Schuster
September 7
It is a well-known fact that hell itself trembles at the very mention of “Divine Blood.” St. Gaspar del Bufalo
September 8
Although the craft of God’s extended finger, created in God’s image, came forth in birth of blood commingled, in pilgrimage exiled by Adam’s fall; the elements received their joys in you, O Mary, worthy of our praise, as heaven gleams with rubied light and echoes gladsome shouts of praise. St. Hildegard of Bingen
September 9
Christ freed us from the slavery of the devil, just as he had freed Israel from the hand of Pharaoh; and he has marked our souls with the signs of his own blood. St. Melito of Sardis
September 10
I hope in the blood you have shed for me, that you will never allow me to separate myself from your love, and to lose your grace, which I prize more than every other good. St. Alphonsus Liguori
September 11
The blood of Abel cried for vengeance, the blood of Christ cries for mercy. St. Anthony of Padua
September 12
Mary has a heart capable of embracing us all, and ardently desires that not one of those sons and daughters should perish whom her Divine Son redeemed with His precious Blood and His still more precious Death. St. Robert Bellarmine
September 13
If the devil sees, not the blood of the figure smeared on the doorposts, but the blood of the reality smeared on the lips of the faithful, which are the doors of the temple of Christ, with all the more reason will he draw back. St. John Chrysostom
September 14
It is true that the cross is present in our preaching of the Gospel, but it is the cross of our salvation. Thanks to the reconciling blood of Jesus, it is a cross that contains the power of Christ’s victory, which conquers evil and delivers us from the evil one. Pope Francis
September 15
All you pure hearts, let this rose-coloured, pure blood which so besprinkles your pure Mother, go to your hearts! Behold, all hearts, yoy who ever had sorrow, behold and see, if ever there was sorrow like unto this sorrow! Bl. Henry Suso
September 16
When the blood of the Lord and the cup of salvation have been drunk, the memory of the old self is laid aside, and there arises an oblivion of the former worldly conversation, and the sorrowful and sad breast which before was oppressed by tormenting sins is eased by the joy of the divine mercy; because that only is able to rejoice him who drinks in the Church, which, when it is drunk, retains the Lord’s truth. St. Cyprian of Carthage
September 17
God created Humanity, but the latter at the Devil's instigation fell into death, from which the Son of God saved him by His blood and brought him gloriously to the glory of Heaven. And how? By humility and charity. St. Hildegard of Bingen
September 18
Jesus, may your Divine Blood enter my veins, to make me live the generosity of the Cross at every moment. St. Josemaria Escriva
September 19
I am not afraid of being rejected by the Father of lights when I have been rescued from the power of darkness, and justified through His grace by the blood of His Son. St. Bernard of Clairvaux
September 20
By redemption we belong to God by as many titles as his Divine Son had thoughts, words and actions, bore sufferings and shed drops of his Blood. He employed these means, of which each is infinite in value, to snatch us from the captivity of sin and Satan. St. John Eudes
September 21
To the extent that we can infer, salvation depends, in its last concrete application, upon the action of the apostle. It depends upon us then whether the Blood of Christ will be beneficial for those for whom it was shed. The Redeemer can work directly in the depths of human consciousness through paths unknown to us but to the extent that we have been able to penetrate in the divine secrets, instructed by the words of Sacred Scripture, Tradition and the liturgy of the Church, God has imposed upon Himself the path of collaboration with us and of conditioning the generous distribution of His gifts on our human help. St. Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga
September 22
O good Jesus! O merciful Jesus! By your blood we buy you for ourselves; by your blood you have purchased us for the Father. O infinite generosity of God, who gave himself up to death that he might give himself unto life. Your blood, good Jesus, is the cost. It is your payment and ours: by it you have purchased us for the Father; by it we purchase you for ourselves. St. Thomas of Villanova
September 23
Calm yourself, my child, mercy is boundless and the Blood of Christ washes away all the crimes of the world. St. Pio of Pietrelcina
September 24
I stop at the foot of the cross. I come close to it; I embrace it. I kiss it, especially where it is drenched most liberally with the blood of the Crucified. St. Vincent Mary Strambi
September 25
Let the thought of holy eternity which awaits us, the thought of being a Christian, a child of Jesus Christ, regenerated in his blood, be your consolation; for in this alone lies our glory, that this divine Savior has died for us. St. Francis de Sales
September 26
I had an overall view of the whole Catholic world and a multitude of altars upon which at one and the same time the adorable Victim was being immolated. The blood of the Lamb without stain was flowing abundantly over every one of these altars, which seemed to be surrounded by a light cloud of smoke ascending toward heaven. My soul was seized and penetrated with a feeling of love and gratitude on beholding this most abundant satisfaction that Our Lord was offering for us. St. Marie Victoire Therese Couderc
September 27
Be united together and God will bless you; but may this be by the charity of Jesus Christ, because all other union which is not consolidated by the blood of this Divine Savior cannot subsist. It is then in Jesus Christ, by Jesus Christ, and for Jesus Christ that you should all be united with one another. St. Vincent de Paul
September 28
Christ’s body, though dead after the manner of human beings, possesses in it great power of life. For streams which flow not from dead bodies flowed forth from him, that is, blood and water; in order that we might know what power for life is held by the virtue that dwelt in his body, so that it appears not to be dead like others, and is able to shed forth for us the springs of life. St. Hippolytus of Rome
September 29
War broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, but they were defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, proclaiming, ‘Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Messiah, for the accuser of our comrades has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. But they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not cling to life even in the face of death. Book of Revelation 12:7-11
September 30
We have been redeemed with the most precious blood of Christ: the Lamb was slain for us, and having been sprinkled with hyssop and the warm drops of His blood, we have rejected poisonous pleasure. St. Jerome