Marian Devotion (Day 14)
May 14, 2024
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.
Day 14
A reading from the letter to the Ephesians (3:2-8)

You surely must have heard of the mystery of God’s grace that was entrusted to me on your behalf, and how the mystery was made known to me by a revelation, as I have briefly written. Reading this, you will be able to perceive my understanding of the mystery of Christ.

 It was not disclosed to human beings in previous generations, but now it has been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit,  namely that the Gentiles have become coheirs, members of the same body, and sharers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.

I became its minister by God’s grace bestowed on me through the working of his power.  Although I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given me: to proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ and to enlighten all concerning the administration of the mystery that had been kept hidden throughout the ages in God, the creator of all things.

From The Light of the World by Evelyn Underhill

We are not told that the blessed, virgin Mary saw the angels or heard the Gloria in the air.  Her initiation had been quite different, like the quiet voice speaking in our deepest prayer — “The Lord is with thee!”  “Behold the handmaid of the Lord.”  Humble self-abandonment is quite enough to give us God.

Think of the tremendous contrast, transcendent and homely, brought together here as a clue to the Incarnation — the hard life of the poor, the absolute surrender and helplessness of babyhood and the unmeasured outpouring of divine life.

The Christmas mystery has two parts: the nativity and the epiphany.  A deep instinct made the church separate these two feasts.  In the first we commemorate God’s humble entrance into human life, the emergence and birth of the holy, and in the second its manifestation to the world, the revelation of the supernatural made in that life. And the two phases concern our inner lives very closely too.  The first only happens in order that the second may happen, and the second cannot happen without the first.  Christ is a light to lighten the Gentiles as well as the glory of his people Israel.  Think of what the Gentile was when these words were written — an absolute outsider.  All cozy religious exclusiveness falls before that thought.  The light of the world is not the sanctuary lamp in your favorite church.

It is easy for the devout to join up with the shepherds and fall into place at the crib and look out into the surrounding night and say, “Look at these extraordinary intellectuals wandering about after a star, with no religious sense at all!  Look at that clumsy camel, what an unspiritual animal it is!  We know the ox and the ass are the right animals to have!  Look what queer gifts and odd types of self-consecration they are bringing; not the sort of people who come to church!”  But remember that the child who began by receiving these very unexpected pilgrims had a woman of the streets for his faithful friend and two thieves for his comrades at the end: and looking at these two extremes let us try to learn a little of the height and breadth and depth of his love — and then apply it to our own lives.

Beholding his glory is only half our job.  In our souls too the mysteries must be brought forth; we are not really Christians till that has been done.  “The Eternal Birth,” says Eckhart, “must take place in you.”  And another mystic says human nature is like a stable inhabited by the ox of passion and the ass of prejudice; animals which take up a lot of room and which I suppose most of us are feeding on the quiet.  And it is there between them, pushing them out, that Christ must be born and in their very manger he must be laid — and they will be the first to fall on their knees before him.  Sometimes Christians seem far nearer to those animals than to Christ in his simple poverty, self-abandoned to God.

The birth of Christ in our souls is for a purpose beyond ourselves: it is because his manifestation in the world must be through us.  Every Christian is, as it were, part of the dust-laden air which shall radiate the glowing epiphany of God, catch and reflect his golden light.  Ye are the light of the world — but only because you are enkindled, made radiant by the one light of the world.  And being kindled, we have got to get on with it, be useful.  As Christ said in one of his ironical flashes, “Do not light a candle in order to stick it under the bed!”  Some people make a virtue of religious skulking.

When you don’t see any startling marks of your own religious condition or your usefulness to God, think of the baby in the stable and the little boy in the streets of Nazareth.  The very life was there which was to change the whole history of the human race.  There was not much to show for it.  But there is entire continuity between the stable and the Easter garden and the thread that unites them is the will of God.  The childlike simple prayer of Nazareth was the right preparation for the awful privilege of the cross.  Just so the light of the Spirit is to unfold gently and steadily within us, till at last our final stature, all God designed for us, is attained.  It is an organic process, a continuous divine action, not a series of jerks.  So on the one hand there should be no strain, impatience, self-willed effort in our prayer and self-discipline; and on the other, no settling down.  A great flexibility, a gentle acceptance of what comes to us and a still gentler acceptance of the fact that much we see in others is still out of our reach.  We must keep our prayer free, youthful — full of confidence and full of initiative too.

The mystics keep telling us that the goal of that prayer and the goal of that hidden life, which should itself become more and more of a prayer, is “union with God.”  We use that phrase often, much too often to preserve the wholesome sense of its awe-fullness.  For what does union with God mean?  It is not a nice feeling we get in devout moments.  That may or may not be a by-product of union — probably not.  It can never be its substance.  Union with God means every bit of our human nature transfigured in Christ, woven up into his creative life and activity, absorbed into his redeeming purpose, heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Each time it happens it means that one of God’s creatures has achieved its destiny.

Musical Selection

Before the dawn of time, He was begotten of the Father without a mother. Now on earth He becomes human without a father, being virgin-born from you, O Mother of God. Therefore a star announces the good news to wise men, while angels and shepherds sing the glory of your giving birth, O woman full of grace!
Lord our God, through the Blessed Virgin Mary
you revealed your Son to the world
as the glory of Israel
and the light of all nations;
grant that as we follow his teaching and example
we may strengthen our faith in Christ
and acknowledge him to be the one Mediator
and the Savior of the world.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Epiphany)

