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Message for the World Day of Prayer for Creation (Sept 1)
Pope Francis
Year of Prayer (Days 1-6)
Pope Francis
Year of Prayer (Days 7-12)
Pope Francis
Year of Prayer (Days 13-17)
Pope Francis
Year of Prayer (Days 18-23)
Pope Francis
Year of Prayer (Days 24-30)
Pope Francis
Joyous Announcement
Very Rev. Emmanuele Lupi C.PP.S.
Page 64 of 64
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April 2025
Precious Blood Gems (April)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 28)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Melito of Sardis (Apr 1)
March 2025
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 27)
Precious Blood Gems (March)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 26)
Fourth Sunday of Lent (C)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 25)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 24)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar (Mar 28)
Lenten Devotion for the Jubilee Year III
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 23)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 22)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 21)
Solemnity of the Annunciation (Mar 25)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 20)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Oscar Romero (Mar 24)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 19)
Third Sunday of Lent (C)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 18)
Lent with the Wisdom Literture (Day 17)
Lenten Devotion for the Jubilee Year II
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 16)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 15)
Solemnity of St. Joseph (Mar 19)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 14)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Mar 18)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Patrick of Ireland (Mar 17)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 13)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 12)
Novena to St. Joseph (Mar 10-18; Days 7-9)
Second Sunday of Lent (C)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Louise de Marillac (Mar 15)
Novena to St. Joseph (Mar 10-18; Days 4-6)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 11)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 10)
Ember Day Service for Lent
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 9)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 8)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 7)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 6)
Novena to St. Joseph (Mar 10-18; Days 1-3)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 5)
First Sunday of Lent (C)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 4)
Acta Sanctorum: St. John of God (Mar 8)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 3)
Lenten Service for the Jubilee Year I
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 2)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 1)
Ash Wednesday (C)
Lent 2025
Acta Sanctorum: St. Katherine Drexel (Mar 3)
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
February 2025
Precious Blood Gems (February)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Gregory Narek (Feb 27)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Gabriel Possenti (Feb 27)
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Acta Sanctorum: Chair of St. Peter (Feb 22)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Peter Damian (Feb 21)
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Claude de la Colombiere (Feb 15)
Acta Sanctorum: Sts. Cyril and Methodius (Feb 14)
Acta Sanctorum: Our Lady of Lourdes (Feb 11)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Scholastica (Feb 10)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
'The Life of the Creed'
Acta Sanctorum: St. Josephine Bakhita (Feb 8)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Agatha (Feb 5)
Lent with the Wisdom Literature (Day 1)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Maria de Mattias (Feb 4)
Presentation of the Lord (Feb 2)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Brigid of Kildare (Feb 1)
January 2025
Acta Sanctorum: St. John Bosco (Jan 31)
Precious Blood Gems (January)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Angela Merici (Jan 27)
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Acta Sanctorum: Conversion of St. Paul (Jan 25)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 8)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 7)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Francis de Sales (Jan 24)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 6)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 5)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 4)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Agnes of Rome (Jan 21)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 3)
Acta Sanctorum: Bl. Richard Rolle (Jan 20)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 2)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day 1)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Anthony of Egypt (Jan 17)
Baptism of the Lord (C)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Gregory of Nyssa (Jan 10)
Epiphany (C)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Jan 4)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Basil of Caesarea (Jan 2)
December 2024
Eucharistic Gems (December)
Feast of the Holy Family (C)
Acta Sanctorum: St. John the Apostle (Dec 27)
Christmas (Mass at Dawn)
Fourth Sunday of Advent (C)
Advent Service on the O Antiphons
Third Sunday of Advent (C)
Acta Sanctorum: St. John of the Cross (Dec 14)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Venantius Fortunatus (Dec 14)
Second Sunday of Advent (C)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Ambrose of Milan (Dec 7)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Francis Xavier (Dec 3)
First Sunday of Advent (C)
November 2024
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 30)
Sanguis Christi 2025 Offerings
Eucharistic Gems (November)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 29)
Acta Sanctorum: Bl. Bernard Francis Hoyos (Nov 29)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 28)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 27)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 26)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 25)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 24)
Christ the King (B)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 23)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 22)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Cecilia (Nov 22)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 21)
Acta Sanctorum: Presentation of Mary (Nov 21)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 20)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Mechtilde of Hackeborn (Nov 19)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 19)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 18)
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 17)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 16)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Albert the Great (Nov 15)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 15)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 14)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Gregory Palamas (Nov 14)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 13)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 12)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Josaphat (Nov 12)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 11)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 10)
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 9)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 8)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Elizabeth of the Trinity (Nov 8)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 7)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 6)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 5)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Charles Borromeo (Nov 4)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 4)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 3)
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 2)
All Souls Day
Solemnity of All Saints
Month of the Holy Souls II (Day 1)
October 2024
Eucharistic Gems (October)
October Rosary (Days 28-31)
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
October Rosary (Days 25-27)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Anthony Mary Claret (Oct 24)
Year of Prayer (Days 24-30)
Year of Prayer (Days 18-23)
October Rosary (Days 22-24)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Gaspar del Bufalo (Oct 21)
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
October Rosary (Days 19-21)
Acta Sanctorum: North American Martyrs (Oct 19)
Year of Prayer (Days 13-17)
October Rosary (Days 16-18)
October Rosary (Days 13-15)
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Year of Prayer (Days 7-12)
Acta Sanctorum: Pope St. John XXIII (Oct 11)
October Rosary (Days 10-12)
Acta Sanctorum: St. John Henry Newman (Oct 9)
October Rosary (Days 7-9)
Year of Prayer (Days 1-6)
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Faustina Kowalska (Oct 5)
October Rosary (Days 4-6)
October Rosary (Days 1-3)
Acta Sanctorum: Bl. Columba Marmion (Oct 3)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Therese of Lisieux (Oct 1)
September 2024
Eucharistic Gems (September)
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Vincent de Paul (Sept 27)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Sept 23)
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions (September 20)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Hildegard of Bingen (Sept 17)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Cyprian of Carthage (Sept 16)
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. John Chrysostom (Sept 13)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Peter Claver (Sept 9)
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Teresa of Kolkata (Sept 5)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Gregory the Great (Sept 3)
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
August 2024
Message for the World Day of Prayer for Creation (Sept 1)
Eucharistic Gems (August)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Augustine (Aug 28)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Monica (Aug 27)
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Pius X (Aug 21)
Acta Sanctorum: St. John Eudes (Aug 19)
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Novena to the Transforming Light (Introduction)
Novena to the Transforming Light (Day 9 and Litany)
Novena to the Transforming Light (Days 7-8)
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Novena to the Transforming Light (Days 4-6)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Edith Stein (Aug 9)
Novena to the Transforming Light (Aug 6-15)
Feast of the Transfiguration
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Alphonsus Liguouri (Aug 1)
July 2024
Acta Sanctorum: St. Ignatius Loyola (July 31)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 31)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 30)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 29)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 28)
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Titus Brandsma (July 27)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 27)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 26)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 25)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 24)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Bridget of Sweden (July 23)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 23)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 22)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Mary Magdalene (July 22)
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 21)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 20)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 19)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 18)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 17)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 16)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 15)
Scriptural Chaplet of the Precious Blood
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 14)
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 13)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 12)
Acta Sanctorum: Sts. Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie Guérin (July 12)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 11)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Benedict (July 11)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 10)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 9)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 8)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 7)
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 6)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 5)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria (July 5)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 4)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 3)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 2)
Eucharistic Gems (July)
Month of the Precious Blood (Psalmody)
Month of the Precious Blood (Day 1)
Joyous Announcement
Feast of the Precious Blood (July 1; Mass)
Feast of the Precious Blood (July 1; Lauds)
Feast of the Precious Blood (July 1; Vespers)
June 2024
Eucharistic Gems (June)
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul (June 29)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Irenaeus of Lyons (June 28)
Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Jun 24)
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. John Fisher (June 22)
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Anthony of Padua (June 13)
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Ephrem the Syrian (June 9)
Sacred Heart of Jesus (B -- June 7)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Boniface (June 5)
Body and Blood of Christ (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Justin Martyr (June 1)
May 2024
Eucharistic Gems (May)
Acta Sanctorum: Pope St. Paul VI (May 29)
Trinity Sunday (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Mary Magdalene de'Pazzi (May 25)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Eugene de Mazenod (May 21)
Pentecost (B)
Pentecost Vigil
Pentecost Novena: The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit (May 10-18)
Acta Sanctorum: Our Lady of Fatima (May 13)
Seventh Sunday of Easter (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Damien of Molokai (May 10)
Ascension (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Francis Laval (May 6)
Sixth Sunday of Easter (B)
Acta Sanctorum: St. Athanasius of Alexandria (May 2)
April 2024
Fifth Sunday of Easter (B)
Fourth Sunday of Easter (B)
Third Sunday of Easter (B)
Second Sunday of Easter (B)
Eucharistic Gems (April)
March 2024
Easter Sunday (B)
Easter Sunday Catena Nova
Easter Vigil (B)
Good Friday (B)
Holy Thursday (B)
Passion (Palm) Sunday (B)
Eucharistic Gems (March)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 40)
Stations of the Cross with Meditations Drawn from the Shroud of Turin
Stations of the Cross (Shroud cont'd)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 39)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 38)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 37)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 36)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 35)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 34)
Novena to St. Joseph (March 10-18)
Fifth Sunday of Lent (B)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 33)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 32)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 31)
Lenten Devotion for the Fourth Week of Lent
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 30)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 29)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 28)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 27)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 26)
Fourth Sunday of Lent (B)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 25)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 24)
Lenten Devotion for the Third Week of Lent
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 23)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 22)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 21)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 20)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 19)
Third Sunday of Lent (B)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 18)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 17)
Lenten Devotion for the Second Week of Lent
February 2024
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 16)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 15)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 14)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 13)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 12)
Second Sunday of Lent (B)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 11)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 10)
Lenten Devotion for the First Week of Lent
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 9)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 8)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 7)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 6)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 5)
First Sunday of Lent (B)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 4)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 3)
Lenten Devotion for the Beginning of Lent
Lenten Devotion (First Week of Lent)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 2)
Lent with the Book of Exodus (Ch 1)
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Eucharistic Gems (February)
January 2024
Eucharistic Gems (January)
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 25)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 24)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 23)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 22)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 21)
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 20)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 19)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 18)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Baptism of the Lord (B)
Epiphany (B)
December 2023
Feast of the Holy Family (B)
Fourth Sunday of Advent (B)
Precious Blood Gems (December)
Third Sunday of Advent (B)
Second Sunday of Advent (B)
First Sunday of Advent (B)
November 2023
Precious Blood Gems (November)
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
October 2023
Precious Blood Gems (October)
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Season of Creation with Francis (Oct 3-4)
Season of Creation with Francis (Oct 1-2)
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
September 2023
Precious Blood Gems (September)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 28-30)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 25-27)
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 22-24)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 19-21)
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 16-18)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 13-15)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 10-12)
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 7-9)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 4-6)
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Season of Creation with Francis (Days 1-3)
August 2023
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Precious Blood Gems (August)
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
July 2023
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Eucharistic Readings for the Month of the Precious Blood (Days 30-31)
Eucharistic Readings for the Month of the Precious Blood (Days 27-29)
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Eucharistic Readings for the Month of the Precious Blood (Days 22-26)
Month of the Precious Blood Eucharistic Readings (Days 16-21)
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Precious Blood Gems (July)
Month of the Precious Blood Eucharistic Readings (Days 11-15)
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Eucharistic Readings for the Month of the Precious Blood (Days 6-10)
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Eucharistic Readings for the Month of the Precious Blood (Days 1-5)
June 2023
Precious Blood Gems (June)
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Sacred Heart of Jesus A (June 16)
Body and Blood of Christ (A)
Trinity Sunday (A)
May 2023
Pentecost (A)
Precious Blood Gems (May)
Pentecost Novena II (May 24-27)
Seventh Sunday of Easter (A)
Pentecost Novena (May 19-23)
Ascension (A)
Sixth Sunday of Easter (A)
Fifth Sunday of Easter (A)
April 2023
Fourth Sunday of Easter (A)
Third Sunday of Easter (A)
Second Sunday of Easter (or 'of Divine Mercy') A
Precious Blood Gems (April)
Easter Sunday (A) Part I
Easter Sunday (A) Part II
Good Friday (A)
Holy Thursday (A)
Lent with the Book of Job (Triduum)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 42)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 41)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 40)
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion (A)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 39)
March 2023
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 38)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 37)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 36)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 35)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 34)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 33)
Fifth Sunday of Lent (A)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 32)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 31)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 30)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 29)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 28)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 27)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 26)
Fourth Sunday of Lent (A)
Novena to St. Joseph (Days 5-9)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 25)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 24)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 23)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 22)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 21)
Novena to St. Joseph (Mar 10-18; Days 1-4)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 20)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 19)
Third Sunday of Lent (A)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 18)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 17)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 16)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 15)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 14)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 13)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 12)
Second Sunday of Lent (A)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 11)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch. 10)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 9)
Precious Blood Gems (March)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 8)
February 2023
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 7)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 6)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 5)
First Sunday of Lent (A)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 4)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 3)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 2)
Lent with the Book of Job (Ch 1)
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Precious Blood Gems (February)
January 2023
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Baptism of the Lord A (Jan 9)
Epiphany (A)
Precious Blood Gems (January)
December 2022
Precious Blood Gems (December)
Feast of the Holy Family (A)
Fourth Sunday of Advent (A)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 22)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 21)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 20)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 19)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 18)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 17)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 16)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 15)
Third Sunday of Advent (A)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 14)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 13)
Advent with the Revelation (Ch 12)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 11)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 10)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 9)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 8)
Second Sunday of Advent (A)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 7)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 6)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 5)
November 2022
Advent with Revelation (Ch 4)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 3)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 2)
Advent with Revelation (Ch 1)
First Sunday of Advent (A)
Precious Blood Gems (November)
Christ the King (C)
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
October 2022
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Season of Creation with St. Hildegard of Bingen (Oct 2-4)
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Precious Blood Gems (October)
September 2022
Season of Creation with St. Hildegard of Bingen (Sept 29-Oct 1)
Season of Creation with St. Hildegard of Bingen (Days 25-28)
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Season of Creation with St. Hildegard of Bingen (Days 22-24)
Season of Creation with St. Hildegard of Bingen (Days 20-21)
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Precious Blood Gems (September)
Season of Creation with St. Hildegard of Bingen (Days 15-19)
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Season of Creation with St. Hildegard of Bingen (Days 8-14)
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Season of Creation with St. Hildegard of Bingen (Days 1-7)
August 2022
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Precious Blood Gems (August)
July 2022
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Precious Blood Readings (Days 27-31)
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Precious Blood Gems (July)
Precious Blood Readings (Days 21-26)
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Precious Blood Readings (Days 15-20)
Precious Blood Readings (Days 11-14)
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time C (cont'd)
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Precious Blood Readings (Days 1-10)
June 2022
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Body and Blood of Christ (C)
Trinity Sunday (C)
Pentecost (C)
Precious Blood Gems (June)
May 2022
Seventh Sunday of Easter (C)
Pentecost Novena (May 27-June 4)
Ascension (C)
Sixth Sunday of Easter (C)
Fifth Sunday of Easter (C)
Fourth Sunday of Easter (C)
Third Sunday of Easter (C)
Precious Blood Gems (May)
April 2022
Precious Blood Gems (April)
Fifth Sunday of Lent (C)
Song of Songs (Week 5)
Lenten Devotion (Week 4) Stations of the Cross in Honor of the Precious Blood
March 2022
Song of Songs (Week 4)
Precious Blood Gems (March)
Song of Songs (Week 3)
Novena to St. Joseph (March 10-18) Days 7-9
Song of Songs (Week 2)
Novena to St. Joseph (March 10-19) Days 1-6
Song of Songs (Week 1)
February 2022
Precious Blood Gems (February)
January 2022
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Precious Blood Gems (January)
December 2021
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 22)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 21)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 20)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 19)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 18)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 17)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 16)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 15)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 14)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 13)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 12)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 11)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 10)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 9)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 8)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 7)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 6)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 5)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 4)
November 2021
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 3)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 2)
Advent with Revelation (Ch. 1)
August 2020
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
July 2020
Readings on the Precious Blood (Day 21-31)
Readings on the Precious Blood (Day 11-20)
Readings on the Precious Blood (Days 1-10)
May 2020
Pentecost Novena to the Spirit of Wisdom
March 2020
Novena to St. Joseph (March 10-18)