Acta Sanctorum: St. Bridget of Sweden (July 23)
July 23, 2024
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.



July 23
St. Bridget of Sweden
Life (c. 1303-1373)

Bridget (Birgitta) Birgersdotter was surely one of the greatest women of the Christian Middle Ages. Patron saint of her native country, she was also counselor to, and critic of, princes, prelates and popes.

Bridget’s father was a wealthy governor in Sweden. He gave her in marriage, at the age of 14, to Ulf Gudmarsson the 18-year-old son of a land-holding family. The young bride bore Ulf eight children, of whom one, Catherine, is also venerated as a saint. It was an ideal marriage which lasted until his holy death 28 years later. Not that the couple’s life was without family trials. Death robbed them early of their youngest son; their oldest daughter married a violent nobleman; and only an untimely death saved another son from adultery. But the couple faced all their problems with Christian fortitude.

Around 1335 Bridget was called to the court of Magnus II Eriksson, the young king of the Swedes, to serve as chief lady-in-waiting to his new French wife, Queen Blanche of Namur. Bridget earned the respect of the king and queen, but her long-term efforts to train them in wisdom were not very effective. Magnus did, however, assist her generously when, after the death of her husband in 1344, she established around 1365 a double monastery at Vadstena. The double monastery was an arrangement sometimes adopted in medieval congregations in which there was a convent for women and an affiliated convent for men. Both branches were ruled by the abbess in temporal matters, but in spiritual matters both priests and nuns were subject to the priests’ superior. This religious congregation she called the Order of the Most Holy Saviour. They came to be popularly known as “Bridgettines.” Bridget’s daughter St. Catherine (Karin) of Vadstena was later its abbess. Some houses of Bridgettine nuns still exist; the Bridgettine monks are no more.

In 1349, Bridget, now out of favor at court, though beloved by the Swedish for her charities, moved to Rome, never to return to her native country. At Rome she was busy with the affairs of her religious order, she took care of Swedish pilgrims, she worked among the Roman poor, she made many pilgrimages, and in a city that had become impoverished and disorderly because of the absence of the popes, she set a strong personal example of Christian life.

From childhood, Bridget had been the recipient of dreams, visions and revelations. The Swedish courtiers had joked, “What was the Lady Bridget dreaming about last night?” She herself was worried that Satan might be their agent. Then she received a special revelation which told her to submit these communications to the judgment of a learned priest. The priest assured her that the voices were supernatural, and had her dictate them thenceforth to her spiritual adviser. Thus their content has been largely preserved.

Revelations had guided her in Sweden when she advised King Magnus. While she lived at Rome, revelations and prophecies continued to prompt her to warn Christian churchmen and rulers who needed correction, even though her unwelcome messages at times brought mistreatment upon her. She was especially inspired to persuade the popes to return from their residence at Avignon, France. (The French-born Pope Clement V, elected in 1308, had decided not to go to Rome at the time because of the disorder there. His successors wanted to return over the next 70 years, but deferred the move for one or another reason, although Rome suffered much because of their absence.) Bridget, on divine instructions, kept up contact with Popes Urban V and Gregory XII at Avignon; and four years after her death, Pope Gregory finally heeded her admonitions and brought his court back to the Eternal City.

What was she like, this woman who could be called one of the “Mothers of the Church”? No remote mystic, but, as one of her associates put it, a woman who was “kind and meek to every creature, and had a laughing face.” Four years after her death, her body was brought back in triumph to Sweden and laid to rest in her abbey at Vadstena. She was canonized in 1391. During the Reformation Sweden forgot her. But we may be sure that Bridget has never forgotten Sweden.    --Father Robert F. McNamara

Scripture (Gal 2:19-20)

Through the law I died to the law, that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.


(Year B). The Son of God spoke to his bride, saying: “I am the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all the things that are in them, and it is my true body that is consecrated on the altar. Love me with all your heart, for I have loved you, and I delivered myself up to my enemies willingly, while my friends and my Mother remained in the most bitter sorrow and weeping. When I saw the spear, the nails, the whips, and the other instruments of torture there ready, I still went on, no less joyful, to suffer. And when my head was bleeding on all sides from the crown of thorns, and the blood was flowing on all sides, then, even if my enemies had gotten hold of my heart, I would have, still, rather allowed it to be wounded and torn asunder than lose you. For that reason, you are extremely ungrateful, if you do not love me for such a great love.

For if my head was pierced and bent down on the cross for your sake, your head should be bent down toward humility. Since my eyes were filled with blood and tears, your eyes should abstain from pleasurable sights. Since my ears were filled with blood and had to hear blasphemous and scornful words, your ears should be turned away from frivolous and foolish talk. Since my mouth was given the most bitter drink and was denied the good one, you should keep closed your mouth from all evil and open it for good. Since my hands were outstretched and pierced by nails, your deeds, which are symbolized by the hands, should be stretched out to the poor and to my commandments. Your feet, in other words, the desire with which you should walk to me, should be crucified and abstain from all evil lusts. As I have suffered in all my limbs, so may all your limbs be ready for my service. For I demand more service of you than of other people, since I have granted more mercy to you. (Revelations)

Musical Selection

Så lilla vän (Sweet friend) Dimman för dig hem igen (The mist will carry you home again) Om du går vilse (If you get lost) Natten är lång (The night is long) Tusen stjärnors urtidssång (The ancient song of a thousand stars)
Dimmorna  dansar (The mist is dancing) 
Sov lilla vän (Sleep little friend) Skogen vaktar, värmer dig (The forest guards you, and keep you warm) Om du är frusen (If you are cold) 
Norrskensljus (Northern lights) Dansar över skog och fjäll (Dancing over the forest and mountains) Brinner i natten (Burning in the night) 
Så lilla vän (Sweet friend) Dimman för dig hem igen (The mist will carry you home again) Om du går vilse (If you get lost)
Lord our God, 
who revealed the secrets of heaven 
to Bridget of Sweden 

as she meditated on the suffering and death of your Son: 

lead us to rejoice in the revelation of your glory, 
 and, when our time on earth is over,

bring us to celebrate your praise with Bridget and all your saints 
where sorrow and crying are no more. 

We ask this through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, 
who lives and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
God, now and for ever. Amen. (English Missal)


