Acta Sanctorum: St. Benedict (July 11)
July 11, 2024
Fr. John Colacino C.PP.S.

Life. (480-547?)

This great monk, whose religious rule is still followed by monks and nuns throughout the world, was born into a noble Roman family in Nursia (now Norcia, near Spoleto, Italy). The only adequate account of his life (but a dependable one) is to be found In Book II of the Dialogues, a work written by Pope St. Gregory the Great some fifty years after Benedict of Nursia’s death.

Benedict’s parents sent him to Rome for his higher education. There the teenager came into contact with Mideast leaders of the monastic movement. But Rome itself was at that time in the throes of political and moral disorder. Benedict, fearing to become tainted by its corruption, eventually took flight to the mountains some 30 miles east from Rome. Having sorted out his options during a period of quiet and prayer, he decided to become a hermit. A local monk named Romanus offered to help him and showed him to a mountainside cave outside Subiaco. There Benedict spent the next three years in secret, battling to subdue his body and his will. Finally, however, the people of the locality discovered the unkempt recluse. They began to take their problems to him, and found his instruction inspiring. After a while, the monks from a monastery at neighboring Vicovaro, having lost their superior by death, invited Benedict to become their abbot.

Benedict, knowing that these monks had a reputation for unruliness, consented only reluctantly. The monks of Vicovaro soon showed their true colors. Finding their new abbot too strict for their taste, they decided to poison him! But God revealed the plot to the intended victim; and when they brought Benedict the jug of poisoned wine, he made the sign of the cross over it and it broke into pieces. “God forgive you, brothers,” he said to them without rancor. “Why have you plotted this wicked thing against me? Go and find an abbot to your taste.” With that he left them. Once back at Subiaco, St. Benedict responded to the appeal of the many who now sought to become his disciples by establishing in the rugged valley twelve small wooden monasteries, each accommodating twelve monks. Although each little house had its own prior, Benedict was the grand master and the spiritual father. He had not as yet written a formal monastic rule. For the time being the monks simply followed his instructions and example.

All went well for several years. Then, however, Florentius, an unworthy priest from the vicinity, who had developed an intense hatred for the abbot, started a relentless persecution of him and his monks. Around 528, therefore, Benedict and the monks suddenly abandoned Subiaco and journeyed some 48 miles southeast by the inland route to Casinum (Cassino). On the nearby hill called Monte Cassino, Abbot Benedict laid the foundations of the famous abbey that still towers above Cassino and remains the official “mother house” of Benedictine monks. It was here, during the following decade, that the founder finally set down his rule in writing. Other monastic founders had written rules before, but Benedict’s excelled them all in balance. Most western monastic orders established since then (and many “active” orders as well) have followed or borrowed from this wise document.

By the time of his death, St. Benedict had also won a wide repute as a missionary, almsgiver, miracle-worker and prophet. Having foretold six days in advance the date of his passing, he died standing on his feet in the abbey chapel, hands raised to heaven. His sister (and seemingly, his twin), St. Scholastica, had been superior of convents under his jurisdiction both at Subiaco and at Cassino. She had died just 40 days before, and been buried within the abbey on the mountain. Now her brother was laid to rest beside her.

Allied forces bombed the historic monastery on February 14, 1944, but it was restored by international funds in the 1950s and the shrine of the two saints was rehabilitated.

On October 24, 1964, Pope Paul VI formally declared St. Benedict patron saint of Europe. Because of the saint’s wide and enduring religious and cultural influence, the designation was fully deserved. --Father Robert F. McNamara

Scripture Prov 2:1-9
My son, if you take my words to heart,
  if you set store by my commandments,
tuning your ear to wisdom,
  and applying your heart to truth:
yes, if your plea is for clear perception,
  if you cry out for discernment,
if you look for it as if it were silver,
  and search for it as for buried treasure,
you will then understand what the fear of the Lord is,
  and discover the knowledge of God.
For the Lord himself is giver of wisdom,
  from his mouth issue knowledge and discernment.
He keeps his help for honest men,
  he is the shield of those whose ways are honourable;
he stands guard over the paths of justice,
  he keeps watch on the way of his devoted ones.
Then you will understand what virtue is, justice, and fair dealing,
  all paths that lead to happiness.
(Year B). Inquiring for His own labourer among the multitude of the people to whom He proclaims these things, the Lord says again: “Who is the man that wishes for life, and desires to see good days?” And if hearing this thou dost answer “I,” God then says to thee: “If thou dost wish for life true and eternal, refrain thy tongue from evil and let not thy lips speak guile. Turn aside from evil and do good; seek out peace and follow it. And when ye have done this, lo, My eyes are upon you and My ears open to your prayers. And before ye call, I will say, ‘Behold, I am here.’ ”
What, most dear brethren, could be more sweet to us than this voice of the Lord inviting us? Behold the Lord points out the way of life to us by His own fatherly affection. Let our loins then be girt with faith and the observance of good works, and let us, gospel-led, pursue His paths, that we may be worthy to see Him Who has called us unto His own kingdom. But if our wish be to have a dwelling-place in His kingdom, let us remember it can by no means be attained unless one run thither by good deeds. For, with the prophet, let us ask the Lord, saying to Him: “Lord, who will dwell in Thy tabernacle, and who will rest in Thy holy mount?”
After putting this question, brethren, let us listen to our Lord showing us in answer the way to that same tabernacle by saying: “He who lives blamelessly and does justice; he who speaks truth from his heart; he who has kept his tongue from guile; he who has done his neighbour no evil and has accepted no slander against his neighbour”: he who has brought to naught the malignant slanderer the devil, rejecting from his heart’s thoughts him and his efforts to persuade him; and who has taken hold of his suggestions or ever they be come to maturity and has dashed them against the Rock which is Christ. 
Those who fear the Lord are not puffed up by their own good observance of rule, but reckoning that the good that is in them could not be wrought by themselves but by God, magnify the Lord working in them and say with the prophet: “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to Thy Name give glory.” Just as also the Apostle Paul attributed nothing to himself concerning his own preaching, but said: “By the grace of God, I am what I am.” And again the same Paul said:“He who glories, in the Lord let him glory.  Whence the Lord also says in the Gospel: “He who hears these My words and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house upon a rock. There came torrents of rain and rushing winds, and they struck upon that house, but it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” As a consequence our Lord daily looks for it that we should respond by deeds to these His holy warnings. Thus it is on account of the need of correcting faults that the days of this life are prolonged for us, as by way of truce; and the Apostle says: “Art thou ignorant that the patience of God leads thee towards penitence?” For the Lord in His tenderness says: “I will not the death of a sinner, but that he may be converted and live.” (Rule)

Musical Selection
O blessed by God, Saint Benedict, Let sadness not our hearts afflict. As we our praise and tribute bring Thy saintly life and glories sing. 
St. Benedict to Thee we turn. The secrets of God's grace to learn, Oh, guide us by Thy wise decrees that God alone we seek to please. 
God taught Thee to reject the wiles of sinful words which men beguile Then like a star that glitters bright God made of Thee a holy light.
In wondrous ray of God's own light The world appeared before thy sight Then Thou the emptiness did see of earthly things that what e'er they be.
Praise honor glory be to Thee. Most blessed, holy Trinity Thy love unbounded did impart to Benedict's enraptured heart.

Gracious God, whose service is perfect freedom and in whose commandments there is nothing harsh nor burdensome: Grant that we, with your servant Benedict, may listen with attentive minds, pray with fervent hearts, and serve you with willing hands, so that we might live at peace with one another and in obedience to your Word, Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen.  (ECUSA)

